Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Bema-Judgement Seat of Christ

Jesus Christ Introducing Raptured Saints to God

What is the Bema Seat of Judgement?
First let me say, I am not an authority on this subject. To my recollection, I have not heard it preached or even taught much in Bible classes. The only time that I  actually remember studying it was years ago in a Sunday School class. I do believe it because the bible does teach it. However, to help me in passing the information on to you, I am going to copy it from another website and will include the source of where I found it so that you may want to go there and read ahead about it Or you can come back here for the next two or three days, if you would just like to get the information from my blog. There is too much information for just one day. However, it is a very important study and interesting as well to learn about, as this judgment will take place after Jesus comes back to take his church (those of us that have accepted him) home.

Day 1. The Bema Judgement Seat of Christ:

One of the prominent doctrines of the New Testament is the Doctrine of Rewards and the Judgment Seat of Christ. It is a doctrine often ignored or, when taught, it is misrepresented because of the term “judgment” that is used in translating the Greek text. Commenting on this Samuel Hoyt writes

Within the church today there exists considerable confusion and debate regarding the exact nature of the examination at the judgment seat of Christ. The expression “the judgment seat of Christ” in the English Bible has tended to cause some to draw the wrong conclusion about the nature and purpose of this evaluation. A common misconception which arises from this English translation is that God will mete out a just retribution for sins in the believer’s life, and some measure of retributive punishment for sins will result.1
As it will be shown below, though it is tremendously serious with eternal ramifications, the judgment seat of Christ is not a place and time when the Lord will mete out punishment for sins committed by the child of God. Rather, it is a place where rewards will be given or lost depending on how one has used his or her life for the Lord.
Note: Please come back tomorrow for Day 2, 

**  " That I may come unto you with joy by the will of God, and may with you be refreshed." Romans 15:32

23I do all this for the sake of the gospel, so that I may share in its blessings. 24Do you do not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way as to take the prize.25Everyone who competes in the games trains with strict discipline. They do it for a crown that is perishable, but we do it for a crown that is imperishable.…I Corinthians 9:24-25

The apostle Paul used a race to give us a picture of what it means to be a Christian, running to race to our final goal of heaven. Are you running a race to that goal? It is the only way to obtain that crown that imperishable.

Thanks for coming by Folks. I hope you come back tomorrow. God bless you and yours!

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