Thursday, June 7, 2018

What Has Hell Have To Do With IT (Part 4)

Image result for lake of fire images

What does hell look like? Of course, we cannot know exactly. However, the bible does give us some clues. And it is a place that we don't want to be. No parties here folks. As for the teenager, I hope he found the truth of it at some point in his life.

Revelation 9:1 describes it as a bottomless pit. Mathew 13:42 says that there will be people that will be cast into a fiery furnace.

Those of you that heat your homes in the winter, imagine the heat in your furnace that heats up to do that. Compare that to what the fiery furnace of hell might be. 

You can't. Because you would have to magnify it many many times over to get the idea of it. And while we do not know exactly what it looks like, we do know that it is suffering that goes on and on for those unbelievers that do not know Jesus as their Savior. There will be no escaping it. No exiting it. No changing their minds about it. It will be too late.

The good news is, it doesn't have to be too late to escape God's wrath on those that refused him.  He has provided a way for us through the shed blood of his son Jesus Christ. 

But take note, we can't wait until the time is just right for us. 

As God’s co-workers, we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain.For he says“In the time of my favor I heard you and in the day of salvation I helped you.”[a]I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.
2 Corthianians 6:1-2.

Now is the time because one second into eternity at our physical death on earth, and it will be too late. And remember, at that point, there will be no returning, no escape, no exit and no changing our minds. The time for you to settle it within your own life is right now.

There is more we can learn about hell, but I am going to switch gears for tomorrow and perhaps study more about hell in another blog. I think it is time for the Good News.

The flip side to hell, of course, is heaven What can we learn about paradise?. What does the bible say about it? I assure you that it will be a much better subject then hell has been the last few days. Please come back.


Life is short, but eternity is long!  So it matters what you believe! 


This christian cartoon features how short this life is referencing 1 Corinthians 2:9

Thanks for your visit today Friends. I know this series has been heavy. But stay tuned, there is Good News coming! God bless!

Image result for images god bless you

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