Saturday, June 9, 2018

Heaven Has Everything To Do With It? Just a Glimpse into the City of God (Part 2)

Deus criou todosps homens de todas as racas - Bing Imagens

 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. I Corthiaians 2:9

We can believe heaven is real because the bible says it is so.  The word "heaven" shows up there 276 times. The apostle John was the mandated reporter of his time to give us a look into what awaits us there. In Revelation 21:10-27 it is recorded what he saw.

In verse 10: The holy city of Jerusalem
Verse 11: He described it as brilliant as precious jewels, like jasper and as clear as crystal. 
Verse 12: Twelve gates with twelve angels at the gates.
Verse 13: Three gates each at the north, south, east and west of the city.
Verses 15-17: John gives the measurements of the city.
Verse 18: The wall is made of jasper and the city is pure gold.
Verses 19-21: He describes all the different jewels and stones that the foundations, walls etc were made of.
Verse 22: It is interesting to me that he said that there are no temples in heaven because God and Jesus are the temples.
Verse 23: There is no need for sun or moon because God gives the light.
Verse 25: The gates are never closed because there is no night there.
Verse 26: No sin will ever enter there and only those names that are in the book of life will be able to enter.

Can we even imagine a city that is made of pure gold? What must it be like the second we get there and for the first time look around? If we see the beauty of planet earth, in all it's glory looking at the mountains and the oceans and looking up to the heavens, what must it be like to see a city far beyond anything we can dream up?

Why would we want anything less? Why would a party in hell be on our agenda?

Unfortunately, that is the agenda many people go for. And unfortunately, that is the agenda that so many of them, unless they do find Jesus, that they obtain. Whether they believe in the bible but don't accept Jesus. Or just not believe at all.

The fact of the matter is, if we believe that the bible is the infallible word of God, we believe in heaven. No doubt what the apostle John was seeing was more wonderful than he could ever describe in his own words. If God made this earth as beautiful as it is, why would he not make heaven even more beautiful? More grand?

 I don't know about you, but I believe in heaven. I believe what John saw. I believe in hell and I do not want to go there or even joke about it. It is too serious a subject to joke about. How about you? What do you think? Heaven or hell? Belief or not? Which is it for you?

Heaven is for real.

And hell is just as real.  No matter who says what. No matter what movie may be made of it. It is for real. We must make a choice because if we don't, it will be made for us. And the one that is made for us, will not be a good one.

One question that people want to know is are there animals in heaven? Or even, will my own pets be there? I will try to answer that tomorrow so please come back.

       With thoughts of heaven on your minds today, have a blessed day!

"Some days are better, some days are worse. Look for the blessing instead of the curse. Be positive, stay strong, and get enough rest. You can't do it all, but you can do your best.

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