Tuesday, June 5, 2018

What Has Hell Got To Do With It? (part one)

Matthew 5:29–30 - Google Search

The Teenager in the Light Blue Denim Jacket.

I was standing behind this teenage boy a few years ago at a McDonald's restaurant. We were waiting to order our food. I noticed right away his light blue jacket cut off at the sleeves Maybe you have seen the kind of message that he had painted on the back of it as well.

The picture was of a group of people partying. Dancing and music blaring. And flames shooting up around them. 

I don't remember exactly what it said. But it had something to do with partying in hell. Imagine. A party in hell? Really? Give me a break

People often say that if you want to know what hell is like, just look around, This life is hell. What they think is hell here on earth. And how little they really know. Of course, there are people that don't even believe there is such a place.

So does it exist and if so what is hell really like? Do you know? If not, you should.  Because believe me, it is not going to be a party.

In past decades pastors in the pulpits often preached fire and brimstone messages. It doesn't seem to be like that anymore. And yet, it is just as important today as it always was. Maybe it has driven people right out of the desire to know God and go to church. Who really wants to hear about it. It is not a pleasant subject. It is something we don't want to think about.

So in not depending on a teenagers view of what hell is like or even what people who have no idea about it and only have their own opinions-what is the truth? To find that, we need to see what the scripture says about it. Because the bottom line is, what does God think about it?

In tomorrows blog I will get into what God does think about it and those that have already, or will go there at the end of the lives. I hope you will come back. All of us have loved ones or friends that are on their way there and don't even know it. This is an important subject, even if one that we don't want to talk about.

Have a wonderful day. May God richly bless you and yours.

Image result for praise the lord snoopy

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