Thursday, June 14, 2018

Heaven Has Everything to do with it. Angels:The Other Side (part 5)

Be watchful!!

There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations, the Lord thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Deuteronomy 18:10-12

I would much rather speak about God's angels rather than satan's angels (demons). However, we must give credence of them to warn others of the danger they can be in our lives. It is important because warnings about them are in the bible. Today's blog centers on this kind of angels because as 1 Peter 5:8 admonishes us to be vigilant about our enemies so that we do fall into their clutches.

We find angels everywhere. From on jewelry to statues that decorate our homes. From seeing them on tv to going to museums

While there are angels sent to us for all the good things, like to bring us hope, peace or protection there are also angels on the other side. They are those that are demons. And Satan has created quite a market of demon angels for us. To take our money but moreover to lead us away from Jesus Christ.

Over the years, the world has been engrossed into the occult. It has become obsessed with things that may seem godly to some people, but are not from God at all.

We see people who call themselves "Angel Readers." What they really are, has nothing to do with God but in fact, they can and do lead unsuspecting people into relationships with demonic deities that they are told are angels.And yes, to some degree that it true. But they are not the kind of angels that we should want to be affilated with.

And friends, they are dangerous. And "angel reading/readers" are unscriptural.

Angels that are truly from God, do not respond to commands of these so-called "angel readers" or mediums.  They take their commands only from God. They were created to do his bidding alone. This is pointed out to us in Deuteronomy 18:10-11where he warns against all practices of consulting these kinds of people for any reason.  And yet people do so every day and are in jeopardy of being led away from the truth.

Some would say, "But the medium knew things about me that she wouldn't otherwise know." He or she has to be from God. Right?

Wrong! The devil is quite capable of giving people information about you that would "prove" to you that they are for real so that they can convince you that they are real. That they are from "God." However, they are not from God but are from a god. The god of this world (satan). Not the one true God. And they lead people down a dark path that goes straight to hell.

So many people are desperate to know where loved ones are that have disappeared and how sad that is. But they spend their money looking for answers from these people, only to find out that they were wrong. It is a big money-making business. And might I add, that if someone that claims that this is a gift from God, then they would never mislead anyone at all. They would always be right because God does not mislead us and he would not lie about a person being alive when they are not, or someone that is dead is someplace in the water when that person is buried in some field. And yet, we hear too often, that these pyhics and mediums are wrong in their readings.

God does not want us to look to the practices of the occult to find the answers for our lives. He only wants us to look to him. His angels will give us hope and peace. Those of the devil don't.

If you have consulted mediums, fortune tellers or any other one else that professes that they can tell you your future, that is sin. You must repent for it and ask God to forgive you. And then seek him for the answers to the questions you have about life. If you don't, you have opened up your life to satan and he will take you places that you do not want to go. God wants us to seek him first and then he will give us the desires of our hearts. Mathew 6:33. Therein, lies the answers to our lives. Not through satan and the occult.

Thanks for coming by today. Up tomorrow, some information about Heaven as per the book of Revelation. Please join me.

Until then, have a wonderfully blessed day. The weekend is coming and I know that it is always a time off from work and a chance to rest and have some fun for some of you. But remember that someone else might need you. So be sure to take time for them as well. Take care!

May God bless your day with pure happiness

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