Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day Poems

Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath. Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4.

Our first father was God himself. What better example is there than the one that loves us unconditionally. He set the example for human fathers to follow The Christian father should be so in tune with God, that his children can see God working in his life and want to follow his example as well.

Colossians 3:21 Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath so that they won't get discouraged.

That is a hard lesson to learn. Where is the dividing line between disciplines and yet not provoking a child when you have a strong-willed child that just wants to misbehave? And yet, that is what fathers are called to do. 

There are many fathers that have not grown up in a Christian home but became Christians at some point. They begin raising their family and may have a hard time with that scripture because they did not have a Christian dad to follow. 

However, it is possible. My own father was a good example. He was raised in a non-christian home. He and my mother had 4 children. I was the 3rd child and it was not until the year I was born that he accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior. I think he might have started out a little hard on my 2 older siblings but once I came along, God had begun working in his life. He was not perfect. None of us are. But he put forth the effort and became the father whom I really could begin to understand who my heavenly father is. 

A father needs to instill confidence and encouragement in his children's life. How do you do that if you had none growing up with no example to follow?  Let me tell you what many of you already know. Raising children in a Christian home even if you have had an example to follow is not an easy task. Either way, it takes lots of prayers and learning from God's word to become a parent that instills Godly qualities in their children.

And it is what this world needs. To raise our kids in the way God would have us, would help change the world around us. A father's job is not an easy one on most levels. But it is a calling on a man's life that when he has children, that he bring them up in the admonition of the Lord. If fathers can do that, they can produce happier, healthier children.

 If possible,  give your kids a hug today dads. They need it. And most likely, so do you.

After Eden: Social Media Prayer

Thanks for your visit today friends. Have a Happy Fathers Day, whether you are a father or celebrating it with someone else!
Stay blessed!

I'm always there for you!

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