Friday, June 8, 2018

Heaven Has Everything To Do With It! (part one)


Simply Living With a Thankful Heart John Belt: We can never underestimate the power of simple "thanksgiving". Did you know that the more thanks that you give to God the closer you come to His heart? Giving thanks to God takes us higher in His Presence. We really do enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.

 Heaven. Paradice. Zion. The Promised Land.Canaan. Kingdom.                 

These are names that we can call that glorious place that we as believers know that someday we will live eternally with Jesus and those loved ones that have gone on before us. But before I go on about heaven, I have one question about hell.

What does hell have to do with it? Or what does hell have to do with life?

The answer in our lives should be" Nothing". We should want nothing to do with hell. And yet every day people talk about hell as if it is a party. They make jokes about hell and laugh about going there. Sad to say many have already and many still ahead will find their jokes will backfire and find the joke is really on them.

There are those that want to believe they are going to heaven (at least those that believe in it) even if all they base it on is that they have tried to be a good person and done good things during their lifetime. However, this is a sad misconception of the truth. There is only one way to go to heaven and that is by accepting what Christ did for us. Heaven has everything to do with us living our lives to serve God to the best of our ability after accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior.

But does it really exist? And if so, what is it like?

There have been people that have claimed to have near-death experiences of going to heaven and then God sends them back to tell others that it is real. I suppose some of them could have really had that kind of experience. And I am not going to try to discredit something that really could be the truth because God can do anything. And as we know, anything is possible to those that believe. However, there are some that would make up such a claim to defraud and make money from us. Or maybe there would be some that would just like the notoriety and attention they could get
from it.  Years ago I read one lady's book about her near-death experience and to tell you the truth, it sounded pretty good. Until I got near the end where she talked about some things that just did not sound right and it was also at the end of her story I found out she was affiliated with a church that was not even Christian.  As for other people that have made the claim, I would rather just believe what the bible tells me about heaven, and leave those people-how ever interesting their stories may be to God. Because only he knows.

Heaven is a real place. Jesus himself in speaking to his disciples  the night before he was crucified said this to them:
 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.
2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 

3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. John 14:1-3.

Do we dare to imagine what he is saying there? His Father's house is so big that it has many rooms for those people like you and me, that will one day go there. It is something the finite mind just cannot comprehend. But, if we believe that the Bible is the infallible word of God, then we can believe that Jesus resides in heaven, creating those rooms for those that believe in him.Why? Simply because he says so.

Tomorrow please come back for more about what we can look forward to and expect to find waiting in God's glorious city for us.

Until then have a wonderful Friday and a good start to your weekend. God bless!

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