Sunday, June 3, 2018

What is in a Day (Conclusion)

It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken adults. -Frederick Douglass

A man and his family were fighting about family members. "It isn't right," she said. "You don't like my family."
"That's not true," he replied. "I like your mother-in-law much better than my mother-in-law."

Problems in the family started way back in Genesis with Adam and Eve when they ate the fruit of the tree that God had told them not to. They then had started putting the blame on each other for it. After that, it went on to affect their sons Cain and Able. On and on trouble went from one family to another, down through the bible. Down through the ages. Down to the present. Christian families or not.

And suffice to say, I believe Christian families are under attack even more so because satan hates us and wants to destroy our fellowship with each other and God. And so he creates everything from poor discipline to jealousy to hatred and everything else, within the family to conquer and divide our families to the point of murder if he can.

Sin in every family is what has infected the family. It has run rampant in many homes. And left unchecked without God, it can cause the kind of people that could and does take a child as a baby and creates in him a monster that at some point goes out and shoots up students in a school.

We no longer live in an "Ozzie and Harriet" society. As Christians, we must be willing to get on our knees to seek God pray.

And we must be willing to do our best to bring up our children in the ways that he wants us to. And even though we try to do that as best as we know how, some kids still rebel and turn from those things we have taught them.

The good news is, that if they do God promises that when they are old they will not depart from the faith. God does bring them back and I can attest to that in my own life.

By merely coping with the problems in a family, we are hanging on to them. By giving them to God, we are letting go. And sometimes, that means giving them him minute by minute, day by day and sometimes year by year. And during those times, God gives us comfort. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4.

If you are struggling in your own family life and do not know where to turn, first do turn to God. And then turn to other Christians you can trust to help you pray for the things you are struggling with. Get counseling from a pastor or friends that have been where you are now. Pray for others that are also struggling. There is a great strength in numbers if you can trust the members of a bible group that you belong to help you in their prayer.

God wants us to have happy, strong and fulfilling relationships within our families. No matter where we are at, he can meet us there. Trust in him, today. Do it right now.

Prayers for our children

Thanks for coming by Friends. I pray for you and your families God greatest blessings!

Good Morning Have A Wonderful And Blessed Sunday

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