Tuesday, June 12, 2018

What Has Heaven Got to do with it? Angels (part 2)

Mario Tammemaa - Google+

From Genesis to Revelation, these beings are mentioned 273 times in the bible. They were an important part of God's overall creation of the world

. In Hebrews 1:14 they are called "ministering angels."

They do not have physical bodies, but they can take them on when God gives them special assignments as the time when three angels were sent to Abraham in Genesis 18.

All angels of the bible were male. There are no female angels mentioned. They have no ability to reproduce or marry.

They were very strong and powerful and so it stands to reason that when they reveal themselves to people in bible days, their first words are usually "Fear not."

They provide guidance, comfort, strength, and encouragement from God. They bring peace.

They also execute God's judgment on sin.

And they provide us with protection:
Psalm 34:7 says that the angel of the Lord encamps around those that fear him and he delivers them.
Psalm 91 tells us that he gives his angels charge over us to protect us in all our ways.

There is an important message for us in Hebrews 13:1-2 and that is this: Let brotherly love continue.
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

We never know when we might be in the company of an angel. It might be someone that sure does not look the part. Maybe it is someone that needs something we can give. A meal. A word of encouragement. A hug. If we refuse to give it, we just might be refusing help to an angel that God has sent to us for whatever reason he might have. We should not pass someone over but offer to them what they need. Because we may not know it is an angel. It makes me think of the tv programs like Highway to Heaven and Touched by an Angel where angels were sent to various places to help people. Those are just programs that have come from the minds of humans. However, the message conveyed in those programs are from the bible. Angels can be and are sent to us in times where we need them. And we may never know on this side of heaven just how many times they have been here to help and protect us.

 Moreover, the message they brought to Mary that she would have a son named Jesus, came from the angel Gabriel. Wow, now that is a powerful message to bring to the young woman or to any woman for that matter. That she was the one chosen to be the mother of Christ! For me, that is almost unimaginable! However, it did happen!

And upon his arrival, a choir of angels rang out singing "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and goodwill to all men!"

There were other examples of angels in the bible but the one I will end with here is that of the day the women that went to the tomb of Jesus after he was crucified and buried there. Sad, and mourning, they did not expect to find that an angel was there to proclaim that Jesus was not there! He had risen! And what mourning there was, disappeared into pure joy at finding that their Savior had not stayed dead but he was alive! What a joyful occasion that had been revealed by that angel!

Angels. God's created beings. Residing in heaven. Doing Gods work. Comforting us, guiding us, protecting us. What a wonderful day when we get to be with them in heaven. 

Up next in tomorrows blog: Guardian angels? I hope you will come back. 

May God send his angels to you this day and bless you in whatever you do! Thanks for your visit!

How to receive Gods blessing - Photo Scripture - Jeremiah 17:7 - AnExtraordinaryDay.net

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