Monday, June 11, 2018

Heave Has Everything to do with it Angels (Part one)

Angels Among Us
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. Colossians 1:16

For those of us that were brought up in the church or at least had some teaching of scripture, we know that angels do exist and they were created by God. Over the past decades, there has been a lot of songs, movies and tv programs about them. And many misconceptions have come out of those media.

And while perhaps some of the programs are fun to watch, they do give people misguided ideas of these supernatural beings.

As usual, I am interested in what the bible has to say about them above anything that man creates them to be.

Angels are basically divided into two groups. Those that do God's bidding, remaining loyal and obedient to him and his will. And the fallen angels that follow satan and are in direct opposition to God.

In defining their roles in life, (those angels that are loyal to God) they are simply "messengers" used by God to bring news to his people. Also, the word "host" which they are sometimes called, refers to the armies of heaven. They serve in God's army and engage in spiritual warfare.

They are spoken of as being holy angels in Psalm 89:5,7. When they were created, they were without sin and were set apart by God and for God to execute his will. They are called " heavenly hosts" and God is the "Lord of Hosts."

There is a misconception that some people believe that angels are those that have passed on and "gotten their wings" as it were. This is not true. They have created beings and not spirits of earthly humans.

 These are just a few facts about them and with them in mind, just when were they created? Come back tomorrow for part 2.

Thanks for visiting today friends! Have a blessed day and a good week! See ya tomorrow!

God bless you! May your day be filled with the blessings of love, peace and happiness today and always. Love and hugs my beautiful friend Grace. xoxo's

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