Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Special People/Even When We Fail

Another thing we need to learn about the lives of Abraham and Sari is never never to take matters into our own hands when we have prayed for something, are waiting for God to answer it and he doesn't right away or it looks like he isn't going to.( Of course, we should always pray for any decision of need that we have.) For example someone praying for a mate that gets tired of waiting on God to give them the special person that God has for them. So they end up getting married to someone that they know is not good for them. Maybe someone who is not even a Christian.

When we.go before God, we are really playing with fire because he knows who or what is best for us in all situations.

Sari understandably got tired of waiting for God's promise of a child. However, that was no excuse to figure out how to solve her problem. She should have know that God could do anything. When she offered up her slave to her husband, it had not been a good solution to the unhappy trio.

However, God still made good on his promise to Abraham and Sari. Their old bodies did not stop them from producing a miracle. Abraham was 100 years old and Sari was 90 when their son Isaac was born.

They really had trouble trying to grasp the fact that God would actually give them a son at their ages. But, they called him  Issac, which was the Hebrew name for laughter.

God went on to make the couple the 'Farther and Mother of' many nations. Genesis 17:4, 16

Not only had he fulfilled his promise to his special people despite their human failures, but he made them parents over many nations. And friends, that is something only our God can do!

March 13, 2019 Promise: I  will instruct you and teach you in the way that you should go. I will guide you with my eye. Psalm 32:8

Thanks for your visit Friends. Aren't you thankful that you are special in the eyes of God? If you are born again, you are. And if you aren't you! Til tomorrow, stay blessed!

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Luke 10:21-22

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