Tuesday, March 5, 2019

God's Names/Jehova-Nissi/part eight

Exodus 17:8-16 Bible study, Chiastic structure | christine’s bible study at alittleperspective.com


And Moses built a alter and called the name of it The Lord Is My Banner. Exodus 17:15

But why did he name the alter that? And what did it mean?

Back when our kids were younger, we had gotten into Sunday School and Church. And one of the songs they sang in their class was "His Banner Over Me is Love." The first part of it went like this:

The Lord is mine and I am his
His banner over me is love
The Lord is mine and I am his
His banner over me is love
The Lord is mine and I am his
His banner over me is love
His banner over me is love

The song goes on, and it was a reminder even to me as a parent that God's love is over us. But it protects us as well. Because it was not very long before this time when things were not going well in our household. But God had promised me that he was going to redeem it and by this time he had. His Banner of Love and Protection had been there all along, even when I hadn't seen it.

That name shows up only once in the bible,  in Exodus 17:15.  God had used Moses to free the children of Israel from the slavery they had known in Egypt and while wandering in the desert they were attacked by a powerful group of Nomads called the Amalekites. To make the story shorter, the Israelites won the war with them by the power of God. And the way it was won was unusual as told in Exodus 17:8-16. However, it spoke of God's love for his people and that is why Moses named his alter, the way he did.

From generation to generation it says in verse 16 the Lord would be at war against the Amalekites because of his love. And for those of us that have become part of his family, he has become our Banner Of Love as well.

He is Jehova-Nissi The Lord Is Our Banner

March 5, 2019 Promise: The Lord is near to all that call on him in truth. Psalm 145:18

Thanks for coming by today Friends. Have a blessed day and pass a blessing on to someone that needs one as well!

Little Church Mouse .

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