Friday, March 8, 2019

Special People/Abram/The Call/Age Doesn't Matter part 2 a

Notice how God states emphatically that He WILL bless Abram.   By the way there's a promise here in these verses that God WILL bless you also.  Do you see it?  Isn't God good?

The Calling of Abram: Age Doesn't Matter

Have you ever set off on a road trip, not knowing exactly where you were going? While my husband was growing up, his family would do this on weekends. Many trips were ones where they didn't have a planned destination in mind, They would just start off and end up wherever they would. So because of that, their trips could be very interesting because they hadn't planned them.

The life of Abram begins in Genesis 12 of the bible. God had a special calling on Abram's life and that was to leave his country,  his people and his father's household and to go to a land that God would show him. He made this promise to Abram.

"I will make you a great nation, 
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.
I will bless those that bless you,
and whoever curses you, I will curse.
and all the people of the earth will
be blessed through you."

Abram obeyed God's calling. He gathered up their possessions, his wife Sari and his nephew Lot, and at the age of 75 years old they set off to the land of Cannan. Not knowing where exactly he was going, and what might be there when they arrived, he trusted God without question.

And this made him special in God's eyes. In James 2:3 he is called a "friend of God." God knew ahead that Abram would obey him or he would never have called him to such a great task. To be 'father of many nations' was no little thing in God's eyes. And he knew just who to choose for that title.

Why does this have meaning for us today? Well, think about this:

First Abram was 75 years old when God called him for this special duty. He was no spring chicken. What if God calls you and I at that age for something? Would we obey him or decide we are just too old? For myself, I could not faham it because right now I am a few years shy of that age, and I am not sure I could do whatever it is.

The thing is, God isn't going to call us to something we can't handle. No matter our age. And when he does, he will give us not only the ability to accomplish it, he will provide the means to do it.

He might not call us to be what Abram was, the father of many nations. But he will call us to minister to people in our own community. Our own back yards. Our own families. Our obedience to whatever it is, is the key to the blessings that he has for us.

How many people did Abram obedience touch? Did you know that it continues to touch people today? Only when we become children of God, we become special in God's eyes, and we also are a part of the nation that Abram became the father over. Romans 9:7.

Abram was simply obedient. No matter what he had to give up. Where he had to go. What he had to endure along the way. Can we say that of ourselves?

Yesterday I asked the question, 'those of us that aren't Jews, (since they were God's chosen people), does that make us second class to them. The answer is no.

Jesus came for all people. Jew and Gentiles alike. Romans 3:29 and Acts 2:21.For all that call upon him, we are special in his sight.

March 8, 2019 Promise: Despite all of these things, overwhelming victor is ours through Christ who loved  us. Romans 8:37..

Thanks for stopping by today Friends. Tomorrow we look some more into the life of Abram. Have a blessed day!

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James 1:9-11

  9  Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted: 10  But the rich, in that he is made low: because as the flower of the gra...