Saturday, March 9, 2019

Special People/Abraham/Rushing Ahead of God part 3b

How many times in our christian walk  with God do we pray for him to do seeing really important for us but then we don't really think he is going to do it for us? Sometimes we don't even have the faith to believe God for the least of things.

What can happen when we get tired of waiting for God to answer.our prayers?

We we saw yesterday, in Genesis 12 that when God told Abraham that he And Sara would have a son, that promise was all they needed from God that he was going to answer their prayers.

How long did they have to wait? Months, years? We don't know but Abram ( Now called Abraham) was 100 years old! (Genesis 21:5)

Did they get tired of waiting? Did they think it was never going to happen? Sure they did. They were human. And they took matters into their own hands which was well.... not  such a good idea.

So what happened when Sarah couldn't wait any longer for the promised son?
 And what does that to do with us today?  Come back tomorrow to find out.

March 9, 2019 Promise Lead me in your truth And teach me, for you are the God of my salvation. For I wait for you all.the day. Psalm 25:5

Thanks for visiting Freinds. Sad to say it looks like my laptop took its last breath yesterday. And so I will be tapping my blogs out on my trusty tablet  until I get another one which I pray will be soon. So any way have a blessed day!

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Luke 10:21-22

  21  In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things fro...