Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Special People/ Elisha The Prophet That Wouldn't Take Gifts

Primary 6 Lesson 36: The Prophet Isaiah - The Red Headed Hostess

Elisha would not accept the gifts that Naaman had taken to him for the healing of his leprosy. 2 Kings 5:16 says: The prophet answered, "As surely as the Lord lives, whom I serve, I will not accept a thing." And even though Naaman urged him to, he refused.

After Naaman had left, Elisha's servant Gehazi said to himself, "My master was too easy on Naaman, this Aramean, by not accepting what he had brought. As surely as the Lord lives, I will run after him and get something from him."

When Naaman saw him coming, he got down from his chariot and asked him if anything was wrong. Gehazi told him everything was alright but that two young men had come from the hill country of Ephraim. He said the prophet asked him to get silver and clothing from Naaman. And so Naaman gave the items to two of his own servants and they went ahead of Gehazi to take them back and when they came to the hill, he took them from them and put them in his house and sent the servants away.

 When he got back to his master, Elisha asked him where he had been but Gehazi lied and said that he had not gone anywhere. But Elisha knew exactly what he had done  And he said, " Nahaam's leprosy will cling to you forever." And immediately leprosy broke out on Gehazi's skin.

So in this story of Elisha, Naaman, Naaman's wife and Gehazi what can we learn for our lives today?

Consider these things:

There is the faith of the young woman that had first mentioned that Naaman should go to see the prophet. She knew he could heal him and was not afraid to let it be known that she did. Would we have been able to do the same thing?

Naaman had taken Elisha gifts of money and clothing which perhaps Elisha could have used. He was no rich man. However, he refused as God was his provider and those that truly love the Lord, do not do his work for success or riches. (Hense some although not all, of the televangelists we see on tv and also  cult leaders)

And although there is probably more that we can learn from this story, the last point for today would be that we are warned to not to run after things that do not belong to us and try to get them dishonestly as Gehazi had done. Titus 1:7. We can not lie our way out of sin. God sees everything and he will judge us for what we do. Our sin will indeed find us out. Acts 23:32.

March 3, 27, 2019 Promise: Knowing that of the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord. Colossians  3:24

Thanks for coming by Friends. Join me tomorrow for another ' Amazing and Special Woman.' Have a blessed day! 

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Luke 10:21-22

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