Monday, March 11, 2019

Special People/The Run-A-Way/part 5d

Evidently, it was okay for Sari to allow Abraham to have Hagar in accordance with the customs of their day. However, it makes me wonder where his mind was at that time. I can understand at least to a degree what Sari was feeling. God had promised them a child. Time had passed. They were getting too old. 'Better fix this problem myself or I will never have one.' Or at least something like that anyway. She longed for a child. But, Abraham had a different mind set. God-his God had promised not only one heir, which would come from him. But that they would too numerous to count, as the stars in the heavens are. And Abraham believed him. (Genesis 15:1-6) Now they find themselves still childless and getting too old for the promised child to come from their own bodies. Had God forgotten his promise to them? Had they done something wrong? Why God? Why?

I am sure that many things swirled around in the minds of Abraham and Sari during those months and then years that had  went by with no forth coming child.

And so it was finally, Abraham who had taken God-his God at his word perhaps could no longer take his wife's pain and disappointment, allowed her to give him another solution. He took Hagar for his wife and together they created the child that Sari wanted. Or at least  the one she thought she did.

To  begin with, as we saw yesterday when Hagar found she was pregnant, she began
to  despise her mistress Sari. Why? Jealously? Perhaps. But then, Sari reciprocated with her own feelings towards Hagar. And when she began treating her "harshly" according to Genesis 16:6, Hagar runs away to the wilderness.

And that is where the Angel of the Lord finds her. By a fountain of water. Now I wondered about that. A fountain of water is what Genesis 16:7 says.   In the wilderness? Well, ok we are talking about God here. He can do anything. And
likewise for a slave lady that was not only pregnant, but  treated badly and was probably tired and thirsty.

So anyway to sum up what  the conversation between the Angel of the Lord and Hagar, he wanted to know where she had come from and where she was going. Hagar...she  simply tells him she was running from her mistress. The Lord tells her to go back to her mistress.

What promise did he make her then? That all would be fine? That Sari would apologize?  Was she afraid to do that? Did she go back or did she refuse? If she did, what happened?

 Perhaps you know the rest of this part of the story. If not, you may like to read  the rest of  chapter 16 to find out. Whatever the case, I invite you back tomorrow for more on this important story.

March 11, 2019 Promise: But God shows his love for us that while we were still winners he died for us. Romans 5:8

Hi Friends: I hope your week is getting off to a great start! Have a blessed day!

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Luke 10:21-22

  21  In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things fro...