Friday, March 15, 2019

Judge Not

Hello Friends,
Today I am going to go in a different direction than what  I have been doing and then get back to God's Special People tomorrow. I  want to just take a few minutes and talk about judging others.

It seems that in the last few weeks I have been hearing more and more about people that judge others that they don't even know and get down right mean with out knowing all the details of a situation.

Social media has been a huge platform for these people to vent their rage and sometimes that rage can build up into something serious against someone that may be perfectly innocent, all because people are misinformed and do not bother to check out the facts.

It makes me wonder if those people don t have anything better to do. Ok maybe that's me  judging them.

We all need to be careful not to judge others even on a non-violent level as well.
Remember that old saying, 'Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.'

The truth is, that is a lie. Words can hurt. Broken bones can heal. Emotional wounds can last a lifetime if left unchecked.

I used to work with some women that had an eating disorder  even as children. They couldn't help it and back  then not much was known about it. It was heartbreaking for their families. By the time I started working with them  research had given doctors some answers and their families some relief although no cure. But at least they knew better what their daughter had. Still these women had it tough growing up and still live today with the stares of people that have no idea of how it makes them feel.

We often do not know what someone has been through in their life.

Why do we think it is ok to stare at a little person and call them 'midgets'
or other offensive names? Why is it ok to call an elderly person names just because he is no longer  able to do the things he used to do?. Why are racial slurs ok for any one to use?

The answer to those questions along with the stuff that goes on with people that use social media to attack  others is that none of it  right.

Mathew 7:1 says we are not to judge or we  will be  judged.That being said though that if we see something wrong we often should confront it. For example if a friend is cheating on their  spouse or a co-worker is stealing from the company that we should not just let it go.

To be sure we are all sinners. But if we are trying to live as God wants us to because we were created in his image, there are ways to deal with our attitudes in judging others because they look or act different as well as how to deal with those that we see that are doing something  wrong that really needs to be confronted. It is a matter of our own self control in some situations and seeking God in those things we need his help with.

March 15, 2019 Promise: I sought the Lord and he answered me. He delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4

Have a blessed day Friends!

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