Sunday, March 17, 2019

Special People/ Rebekah/Who Was She?

Rebekah's family was well to do and they had lived in upper Mesopotamia. She was the great-niece of Abraham, was young, beautiful and strong-willed as we will see.

At the time she and Isaac meets, he is grieving for his mother Sarah that had passed. When they marry, Rebekah helps him through the grieving process and she is very much loved by Isaac.

For some years she was unable to get pregnant and have children. This is not something well taken in those days and it was thought that women that could not have children were not favored by God.

Eventually, she does become pregnant with twin boys.  It was not an easy pregnancy due to the fact that they were constantly moving around and were struggling with each other inside of her. And so she asked God why this was so. He told her that there were two nations there, and they were at odds with each other. And so it was. They were named Jacob and Esau. Jacobs name was later changed to Israel and he became the father of the twelve tribes of Israel. Esau became the father of Edomites and fought against Israel. They were eventually wiped out.

But getting back to Rebekah. Jacob was the youngest of the two and he was
Rebekah's favorite. Esau was his father's favorite and is the oldest of the two, he was entitled as the oldest, to the birthright. (You can learn more about the birthright by going to Why is the birthright so emphasized in the Bible?)

However, Rebekah was not at all happy about this and wanted Jacob to receive the birthright and so she devised a way for them to deceive Isaac into giving it to him.

So the question is, were they successful? Did Jacob end up with it? What if anything, did Esau do when he found out about this plan to take what was rightfully his?

This story tomorrows blog. I hope you will come back for it. For more information about Rebekah and her family, go to Who was Rebekah in the Bible?

March 17, 2017 Promise: Everyone that calls upon the name of the Lord, will be saved. Romans 10:13

Hi Friends. Have a wonderful blessed Lords day today, and stay blessed! 


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Luke 10:21-22

  21  In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things fro...