Thursday, March 28, 2019

Special People/ Esther: The Jewish Queen

Xerxes the Great with Queen Esther - yes you are in the top.
Esther 1

In the next couple of days, we will visit an amazing woman of the bible named Esther. She has quite a story as she rescued her people from a plot to murder them and it is recorded in the book of the Bible that bears her name.

Her story begins with a very lavish banquet that the King of Persia, whose name was Xerxus, had hosted in the gardens of his palace. This was something that as most pagan Gentile Kings of the day, he enjoyed the display of his wealth and power for his public.

On the seventh day of this banquet, he requested that his wife, Queen Vashti be brought before him. He was feeling pretty chipper by now, having been drinking the wine he had served to his guests. His wife was very beautiful to look at and he had wanted to show her off wearing her crown.

However, Queen Vashti refused to come. And he became very angry. And so he consulted some trusted nobles and others within his kingdom as to what the law was about his wife disobeying his command to come to him. It became clear to him that this queen should be ousted from the kingdom never again to come before the king, and that he should give her position to someone better than she.

The reason being, that since she had done wrong by not granting the king his request, other women would take this up and believe they didn't have to obey their husbands as well. They couldn't let that happen, and so it was decreed and never to be repealed that the queen was to be replaced by someone better suited to be his wife and the new queen.

Enter Esther.

She was a Jewish woman and when he chose her, he did not know this information. How did a Jewish woman end up as a queen in the court of a Persian King? Come back tomorrow for more of this story.

March 28, 2019 Promise: You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed upon the Lord because he trusts him. Isaiah 26:3

Thanks for coming Friends. God bless your day!

Bold, Beautiful Sticker Squares, 2" x 2", Pack of 12, Daisy, God Bless You!

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