Sunday, March 24, 2019

Special People/ Abigal Saves The Day


In 1 Samuel 25 we find the story of a beautiful woman named Abigail. She was not only beautiful but she was also intelligent. However, she was married to mean spirited man call Nabal. 

 But an event happened that would change the course of her life, perhaps for the better.

Now Nabel lived in a town called Moan and owned property in Carmel. One day when David was in the wilderness, he heard that Nabal was shearing his sheep in Carmel. He told 10 young men to go there and greet them in his name. He said to tell them, "Long life to you! Good health to you and your household. And good health to all that is yours!"

So the story goes that he wanted these young men to explain to Nabal that when his shepherds were with David and his men, they were treated well and nothing was stolen from them. All that David was asking of this man, was to treat his men well in return.

This did not fare with Nabal at all. He asked them who this man David was and who was this son of Jesse? And why should he give them anything, let alone feed them?

At this, the young men turned and went back home. When they got there, they told David what Nabal had said to them. This made David angry and so he told his men to get ready because they going to go after Nabal.

When Abigail caught wind of this impending disaster, she came up with a plan to divert it. So unbeknownst to her husband, she gathers a large quantity of bread, wine, and other food items and loaded them on donkeys. And off she went to meet David. When she saw him coming, she immediately jumped off her donkey and bowed down to him with her face to the ground. Then basically she asked David to forgive her wicked and foolish husband. She had also asked him to accept her gifts of food that she had brought with her.

David's response was remarkable. He had gone there to wipe out all of Nabal's men. Upon listening to what Abigail had to say, he praised God for sending her to stop him. He accepted her gift and then told her to go home in peace.

What happened when Abigail got home? And what event turned her life into a whole different direction? Come back tomorrow for the end of the story.

March 24, 2019 Promise: Though I walk in the midst of trouble you will revive me. You will stretch forth your hand against the wrath of my enemies. And your right hand will save me. Psalm 137:8

Thanks for your visit today Friends. May you have a blessed Lord's Day!


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Luke 10:21-22

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