Saturday, March 23, 2019

Speacial Peiple/Job is Blessed

Most of us have heard the saying, "He/she must have the patience  of Job." That is because Job must have had a lot of patience to have gone through what he went through. He had it all. A family consisting of ten children, 7 sons and 3 daughters. He had a wife and all the wealth a person could possibly handle (Job 1:2-3). And so what did he have to have patience for?

Satan didn't think God was being fair that God would brag on Job.(Job 1:8)  Here was a man that feared God, was an upright, upstanding and righteous man in God's sight. And Satan, well he could just not handle it.

And so God allows Satan to take everything he had but he could not lay a finger on Job himself. And so disaster struck in the household of Job. First the Sabeans had come and attacked and killed all but one of his servants and then took the oxen.  And then a fire had destroyed sheep and more servants save just one. After that the Chaldeans raided and killed more servants and stole the camels. Lastly at that time, Job was told that while his sons and daughters were feasting at one of the sons home, a great wind had hit the four corners of the house and it collapsed and killed them.

And so, what did he do? He ranted and raved at God and shook his fist at him, No, not even did he curse at God. Job 1:20-22 says that he jumped up, tore at his robe, shaved his head and said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord taketh away. May the name of the Lord be blessed." And in all of this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.

Satan did not stop there. He was sure that he could get Job to curse God. But God knew Job. And he knew that no matter what satan did to Job, this would not happen. And so he gave permission for satan to strike him with sores from his feet to his head. And even after his wife told him to 'curse God and then die" did Job remain faithful to God.

Did Job get depressed? Sure he did. He even got to the place where he wanted to die.

Have you ever been there? Have you had things happen in your life and you couldn't get out of bed and just begged the Lord to let you die> I know I had at one time. It is not a pretty place to be. And yet, God had let me live for a purpose as I was to find out. And it was not my time to die.

Job had said even through his misery and depression, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust him." Job 13:15. God had a reason for Job's life to continue and it did for another 140 years.

What? He lived in that condition, that state of mind for another 140 years? No, God gave him back more than what he had, and not only that...he had seven more sons and three more daughters along with his health.

There are times in our lives when God will let satan tempt us. Not to find out if we trust him because he already know that. But to show us where we are with him. Will we lose our job, our home, even our family and blame him? Many do. But as Christians, do we? Or do we trust that God has our backs even at those times, and will get us to the end of it. Either living on with a greater purpose in this life, or going on to be with him in the next. I could not imagine living after experiencing the things Job had. His loss was so great compared to anything I have ever been through. But I hope that I have l learned enough with what I have lost, that I can say to him, "Even if you take me God, I will trust in you." That may seem like lofty or noble to some that would say or think, "Yeah right." But it really is what God expects and that is why Job's story made into his book. As an example for us to follow in our own lives.

March 23, 2019 Promise: As for God, his way is perfect; the way of the Lord is tried; he is a buckler to all those that trust him. Psalms 18:32

Hi Friends. So glad you came today. I hope you will come back tomorrow as I do plan to profile one of those amazing women of the bible. God bless!

Please note. This is my first post on a new computer and I have not learned how to put graphics  on it as yet. So please excuse it's plainness. Thanks.

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Luke 10:21-22

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