Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Special People: Elisha the Prophet

I have lived on this earth some 60+ years, and while here I have been in some kind of bible teaching for most of it. Be it church, bible studies in church, and bible studies on my own. Many sermons have been preached about the characters that make up the bible. And yet, some of them just do not get into who these people really are. And that is what sparks my interest in them. Therefore, I have begun my own study once again, although this time it does feature some of those different people as if you have been here these last few days, you will have known that. I go back to where in the bible, some of their stories are and read for myself what I can about why they are there, according to scripture and I try very had to make sure what I write about is correct, even though at times, I may add my own thoughts to the mix. And whether those are correct, I do not know, but in saying that, I will say

I never attempt to change anything in the bible because we are warned not to do that in it. They are only my thoughts as to what people have been thinking etc. So I ask that while you read these accounts, you will keep that in mind. And you can always go to the passages to read them for yourself.

I do not know a whole lot about God's prophets, so today I am going to profile one called Elisha.
However, this story about him in 2 Kings 5, does not start off talking about him. Instead, it starts off with a man named Naaham.

He was a great military leader in the army, under the command of the king of Aram. (who ever heard of that country?) He was greatly respected because God had given Aram the victory though him. There was however, a problem. He had leprosy. Ummm. Not a good thing to have.

  Naaham had a young woman as his wife and she told her mistress that if only he could go to Samaria, he could see the prophet there, and could be cured. Well, Naaman did go to see the prophet, taking with him gifts of money and clothing. Because the king knew of this, he also gave him a letter to take to the king of Israel, so that he could cure him of his leprosy. (vs.6)

When Israel's king got the letter he got all upset. He thought that the king of Aram was trying to pick a quarrel with him. How could he cure someone of this disease? He wasn't God.

Well, Elisha hears about this man and sent a message for him to come to his him and he would know that there was a prophet in Israel. And off Naaham went. However, when he got there, Elisha just sent him a message to go to the Jordan River and wash seven times, and then his flesh would be cleansed. But Naaham left angry. He wanted Elisha to come to him and call out to the Lord and wave his hand over his leprosy to cure him. When he left, he was in a rage, the bible says.

But his servants encouraged him to do as Elisha had told him. And that is what he ended up doing. He went to the Jordan, dipped himself in the water seven times, and the bible says that his flesh became as clean as when he had been a young boy. And after this, Naaham and his servants went to Elisha and wanted to give him the gifts that he had brought and they knew that there was only one God in all the world. It was he that healed him through the instructions of a prophet.

Well, Elisha would not accept the gifts, even when he was urged. But someone else would. Who was he and what did he do. And finally, what can we learn from the story of Naaham the commander of the army and Elisha the prophet of God? Come back tomorrow for the rest of the story.

March 26, 2019 Promise:  He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning, or crying or pain, for the old order of things have passed away. Revelations 21:4

Thanks for your visiting today Friends. Have an awesomely blessed day!

Everyday is a blessing, Tuesday Blessings

Elisha and Naaman
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Romans 1:16-18

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