I know a lady that in her late 60s, twice divorced, still very energetic and yes very much a Christian who I recently spoke with on the phone as she lives in another state. She had just left a relationship that had been very bad for her. Her intent to be with this man was a good one. She did help him through some very hard places in his life. But her attempts to get him to accept Christ were unsuccessful I think that her intents were misguided and possibly a bit if not more were also selfish as well
And no doubt in my mind, she was going about it in all the wrong way by living with him as a married couple without being married.
This lady, (I will call her Mary) does have a good heart. She loves to do things to help people and care for them. She goes to her local church where she is involved in the food pantry and other activities that she participates in. If she sees someone with a need, she does what she can to help that person.
But I also know that Mary is most likely very lonely and she did want to help this man, both spiritually and just in the business of life. And no doubt do I have that he was good to her in some ways. She had kept a home for him just as if they were married. But because Mary is lonely, she had struggled to give up their life together and separate her self from him. She would go back and forth, living with him, and living apart from him. For several years that has played out for both of them.
And yet, she was accepting of his verbal abuse to her, putting up with the ways he treated her just to have him in her life. Until what I hope now has been her final break from him.
The thought crossed my mind when she had told me how hard it was to make that break (because she misses doing things for him) that she had been dancing with the devil.
She had been accepting the unacceptable by living with a man that treated her with none to less of the respect that she should have received from someone that truly loves her. Someone that God would give to her. Basically accepting the truth for a lie to my own way of thinking.
And yet we have all done this at times in our lives. Dancing with the devil can start off very innocently. That first drink. That first tv program, that first kiss from someone that is not good for us. Because somehow they fill a need in us. And as those things are allowed to progress and develop in our lives, no matter what they might be, we accept and are caught up in them until the devil gets us right where he wants us. And apart from allowing Jesus Christ to take over, we are doomed to spending eternity with the devil in hell.
And at that point Friends, we won't be dancing anymore. With the devil or anyone. Satan does not care about us. He uses people, places and things to draw us in and then when he has us, he laughs at us and we don't even know it.
My question is, are you dancing with the devil?
The good news is that when we get caught in his trap, we can escape.
2 Timothy 2:26
And that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.
But to do that we must acknowledge that Jesus is Lord, ask him to forgive us our sin and ask him to be our personal Saviour.
And that is our only hope as it then becomes a journey to live a life that Jesus wants us to live and we can tell the devil, "No. You no longer have a dancing partner in me. I am now a Child of the King."
Thanks for your visit today friends. I pray that if you are struggling to get rid of the devils that trying to keep you from living your life to the fullest in Jesus Christ, that you will ask his forgiveness and help you become who he wants you to be. Until tomorrow, have a blessed and wonderful day!

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