Friday, March 30, 2018

Good Friday (part 6 of Holy Week)

It is finished.

Mathew 27:1-60

Judas had sold Jesus out to the enemy. What real friend does that for someone that is totally innocent?  A friend for whom they can cash in on? And yet, this too had been ordained before the foundation of the earth.

Very early Friday morning, Jesus was arrested. And when Judas saw this, he was sorry for what he had done. He knew that Jesus was innocent. Those 30 pieces of silver meant nothing to him now. He threw the money into the temple and left. And he hung himself. Ummm. What a sad and sobering thought. How many people have done that since then for one reason or another? The bottom line being that without Jesus there is no hope.

Meanwhile, Jesus was taken to Pilate the governor. Pilate asked Jesus if he was king of the Jews. Jesus simply said to him, "You have said so." When the Chief Priests began to accuse him, Jesus offered up absolutely no answer to their charges. Pilate was amazed that he did not once defend himself.

Pilate asked the crowd that had gathered there, whom should he release as was his custom at the festival., to release one person from prison. The people opted for a well-known prisoner named Barabas. Those people that had just a few days before following Jesus, gave him up to be crucified. Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent and so he washed his hands in front of them, telling them they were the ones responsible

With that, he released Barabas and handed Jesus over to be flogged. 

Roman soldiers mocked him.  They stripped him and put a purple robe on him. They made a crown of thorns for his head. Put a staff in his hands. They spit on him and said, "Hail, king of the Jews!"
They whipped and beat him and then led him away to be crucified.

Once on the cross, they hung a sign over his head, that said, this is Jesus, king of the Jews. 

On either side of him hung 2 other prisoners. One recognized him for being who he said he was and asked Jesus for forgiveness. Jesus promised him he would be with him in paradise that day. 

People passing by Jesus cursed him. They shouted that if he was really the Son of God than save himself and come down.

From noon until 3:00 darkness fell over all the land. And then Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "My God, my God! Why have you forsaken me?" And with that, he gave up his spirit and died. 

From a distance, Mary (the mother of Jesus) and Mary Magdalene watched. Pilate gave the body of Jesus over to one of his followers, a man by the name of Arimathea, called Joseph. He took the body, wrapped it in clean linen and laid it in a tomb. He then rolled a stone in front of the entrance. 

No doubt satan laughed throughout this whole ordeal. Jesus was dead now. He (satan) had won. 

However, satan didn't know that:

With 3 nails and 2 pieces of wood, Jesus conquered sin and death!

Thank you so much for coming back today to share with me what Jesus gave up for us so long ago. Thank God that Good Friday was not the end of the story. Jesus did not let the world down. The good news came after his death. We now have forever to praise his Holy Name! May you have a blessed day!

May the Light of Our Lord Shine on You this Holy Week and always.  And May You have a Blessed Good Friday and Happy Easter. 2018


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