The following poem was sent to me by a friend (Martha)whose mother(Betty) had passed some time ago. Martha found the poem while going through some of her mother' papers. Betty was a godly woman that loved God first and foremost and her love for him was found all through her belongings. I read it and had to copy it here because it is a beautiful reminder that we need to spend time every day with God. I hope it will come to mean as much to you as it has us.
Did You Forget?
Did you speak to Him this morning
As you rose in dawning light.
And give praise for restful slumber
Through the dark and silent night;
Did you ask Him then to guide you
Through the day, at shop or loom,
Or did daily cares ensnare you
As you hastened from your room?
Did you lift your heart at midday
As you paused to rest awhile;
Did you praise Him for the blessing
Of His favor and His smile;
Did you bow your head a moment.
Thanking for the food He gave,
Or, with mind engrossed with problems,
Were you just a business slave?
And when evening shadows Lengthened,
While you sat in easy chair,
Did your thoughts turn toward the Master
Who will all your burdens bear?
Were you resting, calm and peaceful,
Thankful for the tasks well-done,
Or did earthly cares still trouble
At the going down of sun?
When the darkness came, and rest-time,
Did you kneel in grateful prayer;
Did your voice ascent in praises
As you gladly worshipped there?
Did you lie in peace and calmness
After you His Word had read.
Or did restful sleep escape you,
As you lay on un-blest bed?
And, if wakened in the watches
Of the quiet, starlit night,
Did you seek to know the reason,
And when sure that you were right,
Did you pray as He directed
Till assurance plainly came,
Or did you permit the troubles
Of the past to fret again?
Think – Did you forget the Saviour
From the dawn til setting sun,
And did you permit the devil
Just to keep you on the run?
Oh, if this is so, I beg you,
Never go another day
With the fears and cares and worries
He would gladly take away.
B. Johnson

Thanks for visiting today folks. Please have a blessed day and be sure to bless someone else!

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