President Trump's slogan has been "We will make America great again." Do you believe that is possible? There is so much wrong with this world. With this people. Doesn't his slogan seem a little extreme in this day and age? Gone are the days when the family has centered around God instead of the tv set or the game boy.( For a good part of it anyway.) Public schools have done away with prayer. Parents do not discipline their children anymore and so we have raised a generation of whiny kids that are lazy and yet entitled.Not to mention those that run their homes instead of their parents running it.I am not speaking of every family situation or every kid. However, Godly principals have really gone by the wayside.There is violence in all forms. Conflict and down right fraud in the government. People that defraud other people. The list is endless. And it seems that there is no hope for making America great again. And yet, because of God's promise in 2 Chronicles, we can have hope. And it starts in the heart of Christians.Maybe you have heard the term "America is going to hell in a handbasket." Indeed it is.And too many people are going to go right along with it. We must be willing to spend time with God to seek him. To pray for our leaders. To pray for our families, especially those that do not know Christ. To take care of our own sin before a holy God. And if all Christians would take the time to do this, I believe that yes, we can make America great again and only then will it happen. America needs to get back to its Godly roots. And when we do, God will heal our land.As I said, it starts with you and it starts with me. Take time to seek God. Humble yourself before him before it is too late. It is America's only hope
Joke of the day
Thanks for coming by today Friends. Have a blessed Lord's Day and pass your blessings on!
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