Have you ever thought you had sinned so badly that God cannot possibly forgive or love you.? Have you ever had a disability or problem and felt that God just could not use you because of it? I know I have but I am here to tell you that it does not matter where you have come from or what shortcoming you feel you may have that makes you feel inadequate to do his service, his grace is sufficient for you! As in the bible, he calls people no matter who we are to live a life pleasing to him and
he gives us the ability to perform whatever he wants us to do. Those people in the bible were human just like us We have .committed some of the same sins that they did. And he forgives us just as he did them. We, just like they were, are favored people of God'love and mercy. I am sure that they had some of the same feelings that we have today. Doubt that God truly loved them. How could he forgive them? How could he use them?And yet God's grace was so vast that it covered all their sin. All their inadequacies. And he will do the same for us.The next time the devil gets on your case and says to you,"You can't do this." You just tell him, "Yes, I can. Because Phillippians 4:13 says I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Because that is what he is waiting for you to do. Call on him, to strengthen you, in where ever you need strength.
Thought for the day:

Thanks for visiting today Friends! Have a blessed day:

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