Did you ever wonder why God just keeps allowing this world to continue on with all the bad things that happen every day? After all, Jesus has promised that he is going to come back for his church and that after a time, all the evil in the world along with satan will be destroyed. God could just snap his fingers and in an instant, we could be out of here to go on and live with him forever in heaven. So why doesn't he? Why make us continue to live on with death and disease all around us?
I know sometimes we tend to get impatient. Some of us seem to just have problem after problem to contend with and we can sure get weary of life in general. I have heard people state that "Jesus just needs to come and get me, NOW! And when he doesn't, they think about taking their own life.
He is not in a hurry. He is patient and he is waiting for us. He wants none to perish but all to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.This is good and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:3-4
Jesus is not going to come to get us until it is time. We cannot demand that he come when we want him to. The time and the hour of his coming is not for us to know. For even he himself does not know but only God the Father knows when that will be. “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son,[a] but the Father only.Mathew 24:36
We need to be looking for him to come because when he does, it will be quickly.
For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.Mathew 24:37 And as in the days of Noah, there will be some that will be just as confused because they didn't believe in him and weren't looking for him. And sadly, it will be too late for them.
In the meantime, while we anxiously await him coming, we must live here and do our best to serve him in concordance with his word. Keeping the faith and not becoming so discouraged about the things in our lives that we face every day that we just want to take it upon ourselves to end it all. God knows our every need. Our every problem. And he will take care of us. And he is waiting for us!

Quote of the Day

Thanks for your visit today folks. I appreciate you coming by. Have a wonderfully blessed day in Jesus Precious Name!

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