Sunday, March 25, 2018

Hosanna, Blessed is He That Comes in the Name of the Lord! (Holy Week part one)

Triumphant entry into Jerusalem... Palm Sunday as is traditionally celebrated in the Christian Church. Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!

Mark 11:1-10

Today marks the beginning of Holy Week for Christians all over the world. It is not just some great bible story. Rather it is a reminder of the significance of the journey that Jesus took to the cross. 

As people gathered in the streets, Jesus rode the donkey through the crowds and they waved psalm branches shouting their praises to him. saying " Hosanna,Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord!" For he had come as their king. 

The fact that Jesus rode a donkey was prophesied in the Old Testament. Zech.9:9. And in those times, it was common for kings or other important people to ride a donkey in a procession especially if they came in peace because the donkey symbolized peace. And Jesus was the Prince of Peace. 

But even as the people were hailing Jesus as their king, he would weep for them because he knew that shortly these same people would soon betray him and because he knew that they needed a savior, his heart was heavy for them. 

And so as we are reminded of this day so many many years ago, let us not forget that we once rejected the message of Jesus Christ. but for those that have been saved, also remember what Jesus went through for your sin and mine. For those that have not accepted him,  his heart was heavy that day and it still is for those that have not  yet accepted him as their personal savior. Jesus endured great pain for you and if you were the only one left on earth, he would have still died just for you.

It is only with glorious wonder, and his great sacrifice that we can proclaim:
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

Quote of the day:"

This is what Easter is about, and how we even got the chance to live with him in his kingdom for eternity

Easter not about Easter bunny

Thanks for your visit Friends. I pray that as you are reminded today of the journey that Jesus took for us that led him to the cross, that you thank him for it because he loved us that much. Have a blessed Palm Sunday!
Sunrise in Pretty Place Chapel - South Carolina

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