Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Judas is Paid 30 Pieces of Silver for Jesus (part 4 of Holy Week)

30 Pieces of silver

Mathew 26:6-16

 On Wednesday, Jesus had spent the day at Bethany at the home of Simon the Leper. A woman came to Jesus while he was there with an alabaster jar that had an expensive perfume in it. She then anointed Jesus with the perfume. Upon seeing this, his disciples asked Jesus why he would allow this woman to use the perfume like that because it was expensive.They felt that it could be sold and the money given to the poor. Jesus explained that she had done it to prepare his body for burial and that it was a wonderful thing that she had done.

Meanwhile, Judas went to the Chief Priests and asked them what they would be willing to give him to turn Jesus over to them. They gave him 30 pieces of silver and at that point, he began to watch for a time that he could do just that.

And so it was, Judas had sold his soul to the devil for that 30 pieces of silver. That was what Jesus was worth to his so-called friend.I wonder how many of us would do that if we had been there? I hope none of us. And yet, how many times in our lives have we sold Jesus out for the sin we can't let go of. Jesus gave his all to us and what have we given back to him?

It is important to note that the enemies of our Lord did not ultimately take his life. Yes, they did arrest him, and they did sentence him to death and they did put him on that cross. But he could have stopped the whole process if he had wanted to. Instead, he had been foreordained from the beginning of the world for that time of his life. He knew what was coming. And because he loved the world, he went to the cross for our sins. It was his choice in the end. Not the devils, not the leaders, not Judas, and not anyone else's. It was his alone because he loved us that much!

Quote of the Day:

Easter isn't just about one Sunday... it's about the journey Jesus took all the way to the cross.

Hello Friends. I hope as you have been reading about the last few days of the journey Jesus took on his way to the cross, that you will be ever thankful to him for his sacrifice for you. He paid a debt he did not owe for a debt you and I could not pay. Praise Him!

Have A Blessed Wednesday, God Loves You

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Ephesians 2: 8-10

  8  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9  Not of works, lest any man should boast....