Tuesday, March 6, 2018

When God Says "No"

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Divine Healing? 

Years ago, I was part of a church that taught it. They believed that by going to doctors, you were trusting in a man, and not God for your healing. And that was a sin. I never quite caught on to that teaching. I did try. But what was I to do when my kids were sick? What about my son who at 4 years old needed speech therapy?  My daughter was having some problems in school back then and it was determined she needed glasses. I myself wore glasses and could not see well without them. My husband had a serious drinking problem. Did Divine Healing include his situation? Was I supposed to just pray and forget going to a doctor to get help when we needed it? Well, I found I could not just pray. Not that I shouldn't be doing that as well. But praying and going to the doctors or at the very least, giving medicine to help my kids get over being sick, was how it was for me. And for me, those things finally went hand in hand. Whether or not the church approved. Which they didn't.

God does not always say "yes" to what we ask of him. And for good reason. Because he knows what is best for us. Maybe his answer is no for now, but yes in his timing. Maybe, in the case of healing we won't be healed of something until we pass over into our next life And frankly, that is my own personal belief. Though I do believe that God heals, it may not come while I am alive on this earth.
Is that a sin? I think not. Because people pray all the time for a healing and yet, they don't always get it. And they pass over when it is their time. Despite whether they are sick, or just die of old age.

If  God tells us no, for right now, it may just mean we need to learn something from it. Patience, endurance, learning to be thankful while we are waiting upon him, the contentment that the Apostle Paul spoke of having gone through all the trials that he went through in his ministry.Just learning to put our trust in God. These are all a part of God just not giving us what we want when we want it. To believe any other way, is skipping over it and I believe almost putting God under the bus, so to speak.

And so again, I ask. Is it a sin to believe that when you go to doctors? No. God has given doctors the knowledge and abilities to help people that are in need of medical attention. The fact that medical science that has come so far, where did it come from? I think it is a gift to us from God. That it can relieve suffering that we experience a lot of the time.

It was taught that because Jesus healed everyone that asked it of him, that is why we should all be healed like that today. It is my own personal opinion that the people back in Jesus's day were looking for miracles. They needed them to believe in him.  And they did not have medical science to depend on. Umm.Now there is a thought. Today, we have all his teachings to learn from. Human beings are not perfect. We make mistakes. We live in a time where medical science is needed. And God has ordained it to be the way it is now and he has given man the tools whereby pain and suffering can be dealt with alongside faith and prayer.

I ended up leaving that church after a time. They would only give you so much time in their teachings to "grow" in the way they believed. And after that time was up, they thought nothing of almost calling you out in a public service for the "sin" you committed. Oh, they didn't use my name, but I knew who they were talking about. After I left,  and a couple of years later, the man who founded this particular organization, passed away. From what? He had ulcers on his legs that he did not go to the doctor to get treatment for.and supposedly that was what he died from. I have no idea what the main cause was, if there was one. But I do know whatever it was, he did not get treatment and he died. Maybe he would have anyway with treatment. Or maybe, he would have lived and gotten it under control or maybe God using a doctor would have completely healed this man. Or maybe God would have healed him using his own prayer and faith. The result could have have been any of these. But, the fact of the matter is, it is God's decision alone, how healing comes or doesn't come in this life.

Whatever the case. he and many others have bought into a dangerous teaching and I really do feel for them because in my own belief system, it is just another way that satan has used to blind people of the truth. And that is sad. 

 Scripture of the day

You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. John 8:32

Sad, but true.......

How American Christians really view their god's word. If it's pretty, poetic, inspiring or useful...use it. If it's inconvenient, immoral, pornographic, embarrassing or disproved...lose it.

Well, it has been another interesting time. I hope you are getting God's word into your spirit. Have a wonderful day/night. Take care and be blessed.

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Psalms 138:8, Psalms 5:3

  Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up ...