Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Loving Jesus Christ is to Know Him First

The churches today are filled with many people that really have no idea who Jesus Christ truly is. They are going there for everything but what the first church of the Bible was set up to be. There could be any number of reasons why they do this. They go for the social aspect of it. Maybe they go for an exercise class being held there. Or they belong to a support group. Perhaps a young person is going because they are dating someone that goes there.Or for a number of other reasons.

And while the different programs and ministries that go on in some churches are sometimes a good thing, they are not to in and of themselves to be the main focus of why people attend.The main focus of any church is to bring people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. No program-or doctoring-can save a person without proclaiming Jesus Christ first.And yet people in some churches are not getting that message where they go. And there are some people that do not want to get that message.

Sadly, if we are going to a church that does not do that, then we don't even begin to know him and his love for us. And therefore, we will die without him.

We love him because he first loved us.1 John 4:19 

But to love him, we first have to know him. And we need to be in a church that is not just there to entertain, and support us. They need to be preaching and teaching the word of God. That is why the first church of the New Testament was set up in the first place.

lAnd now you know what Noah knew; tweeting is for the birds :-)) BrainHealth.Rocks

                                                                     Church Sign

Yes indeed. And if you were the only person on earth, Jesus would have died just for you! Thanks for coming by friends. Have a wonderful and blessed day!

Wednesday Blessings!

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