Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Last Supper (part 5 of Holy Week)

Mathew 26:17-47

Thursday was the first day of the Festival of the Unleavened Bread. Jesus told his disciples that they would be eating their Passover meal together. That evening while they were eating he told his disciples that one of them would betray him I am sure that had to have been a surprise to them. At least to everyone except Judas. But they kept wondering who was going to do this.

While they were eating Jesus took bread and gave thanks. Then he broke it and passed it around to them and said to,: "Take and eat. for this is my body."  The bread represented his body which was going to be broken for their sin. Then he took a cup and gave thanks and then said " Drink from it all of you. This is my blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for the forgiveness of sin."

Then Jesus told them that all of them would leave him. Peter told Jesus that he would not. But Jesus said to him, "This night before the rooster crows 3 times you will deny me." Peter and the others said if they had to die with him, they would not deny him. Little did they know or understand at that point what was going to happen.

A little later he and the disciples went to Gethsemane. He asked them to pray. And his own prayers became very intense as he contemplated his death, which was soon to take place. It was something that he did not cherish doing. But it was the Father's will and he knew it so, therefore, he knew it had to be done.

Meanwhile, his disciples kept falling asleep. And finally, he told them to wake up. His betrayer was coming.

Enter, Judas, the Chief Priests, and elders of the people. And they came with swords and clubs.As if they thought he would resist. Or perhaps the disciples would put up a fight. Judas had told the leaders that he would kiss the one that was Jesus so they would know who to arrest.

Judas greeted Jesus and then kissed him. They then stepped forward to seize Jesus. It was now near midnight. Jesus was taken to the house of the high priest. Tomorrow was not going to be a good experience for Jesus. He would be placed on trial, charged and given his sentence.

I wonder what the disciples must have thought at that point. The way it seems in scripture was that they did not fully understand what all this was about. Was Jesus, their friend really going to die? The man that had befriended them, called them into his ministry. He had eaten with them and taught them so many things.Were they somewhat if not completely confused by it all?

Whatever they must have thought or felt, life as they knew it would never be the same.

Easter Subway Art {Resurrection} PRINTABLE | My Computer is My Canvas

Friends, during Good Friday, Jesus goes on trial for his life. This week there have been programs on tv based on trials that have happened in recent years. For instance OJ Simpson and that of Casey Anthony who was accused of the murder of her little girl. If these people were guilty, why were they not held accountable? It just seems to be ironic to me that Jesus being innocent of all the charges they could bring on him had to be punished, and yet guilty people get off scot-free all the time. Or perhaps those not guilty, seem to end up paying for crimes they did not commit. Why is that? Things in our world are backward. No matter that Simpson and Casey got off though.Their judgment, whatever it is will come. Escaping from punishment was what they wanted but it is only temporary. I am so thankful, that Jesus did not run and hide. He allowed himself to die that the world could have life. Thank God, it is he that we follow and his ways are righteous!

Have a wonderful and blessed day. God loves you!

Have A Beautiful Thursday

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