Do you have problems so big that they seem to be gigantic and you can't seem to solve them? We know the story of David of the Bible when he killed the giant that was after him The story of it can be found in 1 Samuel 17 but I will give you the highlights of what happened.
. The giant's name was Goliath and he was a warrior. At the time, the Israelites were fighting against the Philistines. But whenever Goliath showed up, the Israelites would run away from him because they were afraid. (He was a mean dude)
Saul was the first king of Israel. He was also a military leader and led the Israelites against the Philistines into battle.
David was young, and just a boy, but he was not afraid of Goliath because he knew God would protect him. He wanted to go kill him. But because of Davids inexperience and youth, Saul did not want David to go. But David had been a shepherd boy and when lions or bears tried to get to the sheep, David had killed them. He was confident that he could kill Goliath not only because of that but because he trusted God. When he told Saul this, Saul then told him to go. He had given David permission to kill the giant.
Goliath came after David, but David took a stone and a slingshot and flung the stone at Goliath. The stone hit Goliath in the forehead and down he went. Dead. By just a stone in a slingshot.
Truly, the Lord God was on his side.
We can apply this story to our own lives today. We have problems arise that we just do not know how to solve. And left to nothing but our worry, they can get so big that they do become gigantic. And while a lot of our problems come because of our own sin, they can also come because the devil wants to put obstacles in our way of getting to God. So what do we do then?
Can you imagine what we could do if we used the weapons that God has given us? Like David, facing his enemy and flinging one stone he took his problem out. With our weapons-prayer and God's word, we too can face our giants and take them out. I know, some times our problems just don't go away quickly. But if we trust God with all our hearts, he will take care of them for us. In his time. After all, as with David, we can say......
Truly, the Lord God is on our side
Cartoon of the day:
Thought for the day

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