Thursday, January 31, 2019

What's In There?

One simple way to reinforce what is being learned in Sunday School or Children’s Church is Bible trivia questions. This is a collection of printable bible trivia questions on the new testament.

How well do you know the Bible? Many of us should know many things if we have been Christians for many years. I thought today, we should have a fun pop-up quiz to answer that question.  And maybe to learn something as well. Answers will post tomorrow.

1. Which sister sat at the feet of Jesus while he was teaching, while the other sister prepared dinner for him?
2.True or false: Angels know the day and hour of Christ's return to earth
3 Who were the sisters of Lazarus?
4.True or false: We can become angry as long as we don't sin
5, True or false: There is more than one way to heaven
6.True or false: Able killed Cain
7. True or False Cain built a city and named it after his son Enoch
8.True or false: Saul was also called Paul
9, True or false: Paul was converted to Christianity on the road to Damascus
10.True or false: God tempts us to sin

       January 31, 2019 Promise: I will never leave or forsake you.
Hebrews 13:5

Thanks for coming by Friends.  I hope you have a wonderfully blessed day! 

Thursday Blessings

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Does God Have a Sense of Humor?

I love this pictureHave you ever wondered if God smiles, laughs or has a sense of humor? I certainly think he does. He created all emotions and we know that he is sad when we are sad. Jesus wept so much that it caused him to sweat drops of blood the night before he was to be crucified as he prayed in the garden.

I cannot imagine that if Jesus could do that, he most certainly has smiled and laughed at times too.

Take for instance, when he created the world. When he got done, he saw that it was not only good, but it was very good. Genesis 1:31.

Likewise, when do something that we think is especially good, we tend to feel the same way. We smile and sometimes perhaps we even laugh. Because it is something we have done that has made us proud.

I don't profess to know everything about God. In fact, what I know about him would probably not even cover the top of a needle head. But I think that just as we sometimes laugh at the antics of a small child, or something funny that our pet does, he laughs right along with us. After all, he has created both the child and the pet. Why would he not laugh at some of the things they do. Or that we do.

We know that a good 'belly laugh' can reduce our stress. Years ago, we attended a small country church and one evening before the pastor's message, a lady from the congregation had given us a lesson about missionaries that were affiliated with our church that was overseas. The lady (I will call her Sandy) was basically telling us how blessed we are in this country when so many in other countries had so little. And she asked us to do a little experiment. She handed out paper and pencil and asked us to make a list of items we had that we could go without if we had to and beside it another list of things we truly needed. And so I listed a few things and then looked over at my husband's list.

Now, you have to understand the type of man that I am married to, to perhaps understand how he is. He has almost always been the kind of person that kind find humor in most anything. He gets up in the morning cheerful and he just wants people to be happy, so he tries to come up with jokes to tell us 'not so happy morning people' or not so happy 'any of the day' kind of people.

And let me also say, he is not a good speller. So instead of trying to spell his words out, he drew pictures., and what topped his list of things he didn't think he could do without was drawings of underwear and socks. What made it even funnier to me was that for a change, he was being completely serious!

Out of me came this huge belly laugh that I really had to quelch because after all, this was the church. This was a lesson on how blessed we are in comparison with some of the ways people in other countries live. Thankfully Sandy went right ahead ignoring me to present her lesson which had taken her time to get it prepared for us and I should not be interrupting. 

It was not a time for laughing. But that is exactly what I was trying hard (and not having much success with) to stop myself from doing. I should have gotten up and left until I could go back in until I could be calm again. But at the time, that didn't occur to me. However, I did explain why I was laughing and apologized to both Sandy and the pastor after the service was over that night.And I asked God for forgiveness for the interruption.

To this day, I can see his pictures in my mind and still chuckle about it. I am not sure what God thought of it. But later, in my own thoughts back at home when it was quiet, I knew that it had relieved me of a lot of stress that had gone on in our lives that whole year.

yongsung kim paintingGod has created us in his image. He created all things that are good. He created our emotions. Why would he not also laugh and smile at things we do? Oh, there are things that we laugh at that we shouldn't and I don't mean those kinds of things. We should not take part in any kind of sin that would drive us to laugh. But only of the things that are good. Like a baby's first smile, or when my little dog runs around in circles to get some energy out, or a clean joke someone tells. God does not expect us to sit around being sour all the time. He wants us to have good times and enjoy the life he has given us. And while he is doing that, he looks down with love on us and smiles at his creation.

January 30, 2019 Promise: I have heard your prayers, I have seen your tears. I will heal you. 2 Kings 20:5

I am blessed that you came by today Friends! Hope you will be back again tomorrow. Stay blessed!

Winter Wednesday Blessings wednesday wednesday quotes happy wednesday happy…

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Overcoming Jeaolsy

Rely on you. Rely on your power to overcome any challenge. Don't allow the fear to kidnap you. Know that you are always supported and you will always be. Believe in yourself no matter what.  #selfconfidence #selflove #enjoylife (Image shared by Quotes & Thoughts)

In this blog this week, I have been talking about jealousy from both a biblical and a practical standpoint. Our attitudes in life are important, because not only do they affect us, but they affect the people around us. They can affect our jobs in that we may not do them as well as we should. And they can affect how we treat others.

There is one other aspect of it that I want to mention today. And that is thankfulness.

Being thankful for what we already have. And most importantly, being thankful to God, who is the giver of all good things.

Give thanks in all things, for this is God's will concerning you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

What? Give things in all things? Sometimes that is hard to do. But as Christians, we are called to do just that. When we are able to look away from our jealousy of other people having the things that we want and give him the thanks for all he has done and given us, it can open the flood gate of blessings that he wants to give us.

Jealousy is an emotion that is certainly used by the devil to lead us away from God. It was one of the reasons that he was cast out of heaven. He had been an angel created by God, But he got jealous of God and wanted to become god himself and be above the true God.(You can read more about his fall with scripture and teaching at:Did God Create the Devil? | Bible Study Guides | Amazing Facts)

He wanted something that he couldn't have. And sometimes we want things we can't have. But the good news is that God will bless us if we turn to him and ask for his forgiveness, and thank him for all he has done and what he will do for us yet. And then trust him by faith that he will do all he has promised us. 

And that my Friends is the well-known secret in his Word that we sometimes overlook when we become jealous over someone or something that we can't or even shouldn't have. Life is not easy nor is it fair, sometimes. But our hope in God is what we can count on to get us through to his blessing and provision.

So there are practical ways to handle jealousy as well as biblical ways to handle it. We just have to find them. And if you have those kinds of issues, I pray that you look for them. Because they will point you to a happier path of life, not to mention a more healthy way of living. 

Thanks for stopping by today Friends. Up tomorrow will be a new topic, so please come back. In the meantime, be blessed today and be sure to pass it forward, as they say!

Matthew 6:33, But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.January 29,2019 Promise: Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be given you. Mathew 6:33. (Wow, what a promise. I would much rather have what he has for me, more than anything that this life otherwise has to offer. How about you?)

Merry Christmas 'May you always have love in your life-may it always keep your heart warm :-) Have a wonderful day!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Overcoming Jea(lousy)

overcoming jealousy via burlap+blueKaren Wolff in her blog on 'ThoughtCo' says that Jealousy makes us feel lousy. She makes a good point because it sure is true. (You can find more of what she has to say about jealousy at Overcoming Jealousy - Causes and Cures )

Further, she goes on to say that it is caused by unmet expectations, our sense of entitlement and insecurities.

I think that many young people struggle with those things, but as adults, we sometimes do as well. Especially, those that have been divorced and are trying to just survive on their own, whether it be financially or just being alone. We get to be older and feel that we shouldn't be in 'this position'. After all, we have a few miles under our belts. How did we get to this place anyway? We deserve better. We deserve more.

So how do we get past feeling the way we do?

Here are a few suggestions, other than those that I gave in the past couple of days about this subject of jealousy.

Realize that jealousy can be very toxic. It can spill over in all parts of your life. It can interfere with other relationships if you are constantly spuing it out to any and everyone that will listen. And it might even get it started in someone else by default.

Figure out what might have got you there in the first place. Is it something you did or didn't do that opened you up for it. Like being jealous that someone has a nicer car then you have. They might have worked hard to get it. Were you that willing to work hard to get a car that nice? I don't mean to say we should take fault that does not belong to us, however. We need to answer for ourselves, what is the truth in our jealousy and what is not if that makes sense.

Understand that we all come from different walks of life. We all have different needs. My life is going to be different from yours. My background will have been different, at least in some ways Stop comparing your life with others. God has made you different in your own right. He doesn't expect us to be the same or have the same needs as each other.

Tone It Up Inspirational Fitness QuotesWhat are the good things about your life? Do you have children, parents or siblings, perhaps a mate that you love and adore? God has put certain people in your life for you to love and nurture. Focus on the aspects of life that you really enjoy. Develop a positive attitude towards life. My husband is that kind of person. He always wakes up with a smile. When our kids were growing up, he would tell them to smile at the breakfast table., even when they came to the table looking grumpy about having to be out of bed.  He still tells me that today, even though we don't even eat breakfast at the same time anymore. Starting off the day with that kind of attitude can set the prerequisite or the tone for the day.

We all have something amazing to share with the world and when we're too worried about our ego being hurt by putting ourselves out there, then we are taking away the positive impact we could have on others. Share your gifts, put yourself out there, take a chance! Someone needs you today!   #networkmarketingsuccess #workfromhomeFocus on the needs of someone else. Someone that needs you to just to listen to them, give them a hug or an encouraging word. An elderly person that may need you to do some grocery shopping for or to take a meal to. Maybe they need their grass mowed or snow shoveled. Visit someone in the hospital or nursing home. Perhaps there is a job in the church that you can volunteer for. There are all kinds of things that we can do that would benefit not only others but ourselves as well. By giving to someone else or some kind of cause, it can give us a whole new attitude for our own lives.

Please Pray for Israel and our Christian Earth and USA ( Proverbs 14:26 KJV ) “In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and HIS children shall have a Place of Refuge.”!! ( John 15:9-10 KJV ) “…These are just a few of the things that you and I can do to overcome being jealous. Come back tomorrow for a few more. Thanks for your visit! I pray you will have a blessed day today as always!

. January 28, 2019 Promise: In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge. Proverbs 14:26,

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Over Coming Jealousy

Thinking about jealousy this morning, I had a thought about the jealousy that occurs between siblings. Actually, it was a couple of questions.

Q1. When Jesus was growing up, was he ever jealous of his brothers and sisters?
Q2. Were they ever jealous of him?

A1 The bible tells us in 2 Corthianians 5:21 that Jesus was made to be sin for us because he knew no sin. That way we sinners can become righteous through God in him.

Jesus was God and even as a child growing up was obedient to his parents in every way. But then what about his brothers and sisters?

A2. Of course, they had jealousy issues. They were human.  And they knew he was different. He was special. I can only imagine what it must have been like by having a sibling that was so special. The bible says that his brothers did not even believe he was really God's Son  (John 7:5) until after he was crucified and had been resurrected. (Acts 1:14, I Corthianians 15:7)

Not only that but his parents, Mary and Joseph knew he was special because he was God's Son. No doubt that they treated him differently which had to have caused some jealousy among his siblings.

However interesting the life of Jesus and his family is, that is a study for in the near future. Today we are thinking about overcoming jealousy in ourselves.

And as we know it is not always easy. In fact, I would venture to say, it is probably never easy for people because it becomes ingrained in us from childhood. The older we get, the harder it may be. But there are ways. And it is something that God does want us to work on to become more like him.

So in the last few days I have mentioned that we need to read and study what the bible says about jealousy. Understanding what it can lead to, as in the murder of Able by his brother Cain is very Old Testament scripture. But it is so very relevant for the times we live in today. Recognizing it in ourselves, asking God's forgiveness, learning his word, prayer, going to church, fellowshipping with other Christians....these are all ways to grow as a Christian in all aspects that Jesus wants for us. But there are personal ways to overcome it as well.

I am still going to get to those, I promise. I had just been thinking about the siblings of Jesus this morning and went with that. But tomorrow, I will get back on track. Please come back. In the meantime, thanks for coming today and have a Blessed  Lord's Day!

Sunday Blessings Have A Blessed Day good morning sunday sunday quotes good morning quotes happy sunday sunday blessings religious sunday quotes sunday quote happy sunday quotes good morning sunday winter sunday quotes sunday blessings quotes

January 27, 2019 Promise: The Lord is good. He is a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those that trust in him. Nahum 1:7

Friday, January 25, 2019

Overcoming Jealousy Step One (cont)

Deuteronomy chapter 4 with #Goodmorninggirls Bible reading plan. "For the Lord your God is a consuming fire a jealous God."- Deuteronomy 4:24. He loves with a passionate fierce and jealous love. He's ready to give you everything to fight for you... He sacrificed His only son for us! The children of Israel didn't realize how deep His love was for them. We are just the same. We flirt with other gods we question His Strength His power and His abilities . Despite all of this He stays loyal and devotJealousy is a natural emotion. In a natural realm, we can be jealous too. As we know from God's word, he is a jealous God. He wants us for himself and does not want us to be divided between him and the gods of this world.

Be careful that you do not forget the covenant of the Lord your God that he made with you. Do not make for yourselves an idol in anything that he has forbidden you. For the Lord, your God is an all-consuming fire, a jealous God. Deuteronomy 4:23-24.

 But...there is a difference...

Notice what that verse says about it being the all-consuming fire of our God. And it nowhere in the bible says that kind of jealousy is an all-consuming fire for us as the human race.

However, look at what it can and has done to the human race. An all-consuming fire within people that do not let it burn out. It is displayed all over the news every day. Only God is entitled to that kind of fire when he sees his children disobeying his laws.

 The wrong kind of jealousy is a symptom of looking at others and what they have instead of looking at ourselves and what God has given us. It can bring on feelings of being inadequate, and thoughts that nothing is ever going to change in our lives. It can make us sink down to the very depth of our souls,(in despair) feeling powerless to do anything about our situation.

It can bring on imaginations of "If only I had a beautiful home" or a "newer car" or a "husband like my friend or co-worker has."

We can spend all of our time dreaming and imagining the things that we want, that can be a waste of time if God is not ready to bless us with them yet which can then get us to the place of no return if we let it. And so we need to be careful to be ever aware of when we start to feel jealousy coming on and admit that it is. To ourselves, but also to God.

When there is something we want, instead of looking to what someone else has, we should request it from God who is the giver of all good things. He knows what we need before we even ask it, and he loves to bless us as well. But even more than that, he knows what is best for us and what is not.
God knows exactly what you need, who you need, how much you need and when you need it. Trust him. Amen.
Trusting in him to do the things when we ask him also means trusting in him to give them to us when he sees fit. Or not at all. What is best for you may not be what is best for me.

Reading and learning his word. Bible Study. Praying constantly for help when we need it. Attending church. Trusting God. All essential in learning how to overcome jealousy when it hits us.

But is there more? be continued  Sunday, I will be taking tomorrow off Friends, so hope you will be back for more on this subject that day. However, I will post a bible promise tomorrow for those that would come.

January 25, 2019 Promise:  The Lord gives his people strength, the Lord blesses his people with peace. Psalm 29:11.

Thanks for coming! God bless you and yours!

Friday Christmas Blessings Greetings

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Overcoming Jealousy Step One

Jealousy & GreedThere are so many things that we can be jealous of. It starts when we are children and can work its way up through our whole adult life. like a snake winding its way up a tree. It is a hard emotion to even begin to think about overcoming, as a Christian sometimes. And it is as old as almost the beginning of time.

We see it in the early pages of the bible where Cain killed Able because when they had gone to worship God, he was more pleased with Able's offering then he was Cain's. Cain's had been 'the fruit of the ground" and Able's was "fat portions from some of his firstborn flock." Hebrews 11:4.

Cain and Able
Cain's jealousy over this situation ended up in his murdering his brother Able. Genesis 4:8 And so it has gone for the ages since and of course continues today, in families, in businesses, in countries. Often times resulting in horrific crimes.

But getting back to how we can overcome it as Christians, in this day and age. It is truly something that we need to work on it in our own lives so that it does not spiral out of control.

But just how do we do that?

I believe the first step is to see what the bible says about it. I Corthianians 3:3 says this: You are still of the flesh. For while there are strife and jealousy among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way.

First Corinthians 13 ~ Love Is Patient * this has always been a favorite of mine…God's love for us is so perfect that he wants us to display that same love in all our relationships as 1 Corthianians 13:4-5 explains: Love is patient, it is kind. It does not envy or boast, it is not proud or rude, it is not self-seeking or easily angered nor does it keep a record of wrongs.

Have you ever known anyone that this scripture fits fairly well? Maybe even too well? Yeah, me too. Myself.  If we are honest we all can admit that we have been all these things at one time or another. Or perhaps still are, very regularly.

Aha, so then having seen what the bible says about it, we then have to admit we can often be any and all those things in that scripture. And when we are, we take our focus off God who by the Holy Spirit wants to produce his fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control within us. Galatians 5:22-23. By taking our focus off God, we are putting it on ourselves.

But are those attributes really attainable for us as Christians because we may not see them in some of our fellow church members? ( Really God?) And if we don't see them in other Christians, don't we have the right to act in ways that are unbecoming to our Creator?

If a pentagram isn't your style, try something that's optimistic but slightly vague, like this "Yes" Neon Light ($750). 
The answers are for one, yes, they are attainable. Because God created us to be in his own image.Genesis 1:27. And if he were a selfish God, he would have not made them attainable to us, and instead, let us just run helter-skelter without any instruction on how to be more like him.

But because he loved us, he gave us a whole guide book with which to give us the things we need to overcome the kinds of thing he wants us to avoid, so that we can live a wonderful life in him and through him with by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Prayer to become more like JesusOvercoming jealousy? Not an easy thing to do in becoming more like Jesus. But it is with constant prayer, reading the bible, going to church, fellowshipping with other Christians that gets us so much farther down that road, and helps us become mature in that area (as well as others that we are struggling with) not to mention much happier and easier to live with.

 And for those other Christians that haven't gotten there yet, that is in no way that gives you and I an excuse to judge them. We are accountable to God for our own actions, and not theirs. Let God do the work in them even if it does not look like he is. In the meantime, let him do it in us.

January 24, 2019 Promise: Joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5

Up tomorrow: Overcoming Jealousy Step Two

Good Morning Have a Blessed Day <3   2/19/16

I am glad you have spent a few minutes with me today Friends. Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Jealosy vs Jealousy: Is There More Than One Kind? Part 1

He's jealous for our love...for our time...for our heart. Oh how I love Jesus!The bible speaks of jealousy as being a sin. So if it is a sin, why does God say in Exodus 20:5 that he is a jealous God? Is he the only one that can ever be jealous?

Well, for one thing, there is more to Exodus 20:5 than that. But not just that verse but also verse 4 gives the questions about God's jealousy in proper context. so far as he is concerned.  So let's look at those verses to get to its meaning.

Exodus 20- 4-5You shall not make for yourselves a carved image or anything that is above heaven or that is beneath the earth or the water below. You shall not bow down to worship them. For I the Lord your God am a jealous God."

We are not to have carved images of 'anything' that we bow down to.  And we need to knock those gods down because he is the only one to worship and when we do not worship him alone, he is jealous. Our worship belongs to him. and him alone.

The difference between his jealousy and our own is that when we are jealous, it can be wrong if it is for something that someone else has that we want. For example a new car.  A new home. A raise at work that we wanted and did not get. And those kinds of things can become our gods so that if we do get them, we can worship them. We might continually keep showing our new car off to people without giving credit to the Lord and without acknowledging that it was due to an answered prayer request. that we received it etc. The same goes for anything that we do get can be worshipped by us like a god. Or even the tv can be a god if all we do is watch it. Anything in our lives that we see that has become our god really needs to be stopped. and we need to ask God for forgiveness for.  Not that God doesn't want us to have them. He does want to bless us. It is just that as being a jealous God, he does not want us to worship them before him.

When we want something that someone else has and does not belong to us, is sinful jealousy. We are not to covet or be consumed with desire as google defines it, of anything that someone else has.

But does that mean that we can be jealous and not sin? And is it sinful if our spouse is flirting or is having an affair with someone else and we find it out? Yes, we can. And being jealous if we find out that our spouse is flirting or having an affair with someone else, is not sinful. It is a very natural emotion. It is the same kind of jealousy that God has when we worship other gods instead of him.

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.~Romans 12:19 KJV~✨
However, in that being said, God does not want us taking vengeance on anyone else for anything. Only he allows himself to do vengeance.  In other words, he has destroyed people, and nations. when his people have sinned.  And his vengeance is justified because he is a holy God and one of holy judgment.

But if we catch our spouses doing something that is compromising God's word, our natural jealousy can become one of unholy judgment on our part and therefore is a sin. And instead of that, we need to handle the situation in other ways.

"Getting even has never healed a single person." ~ Eva Mozes Kor
Perhaps second to the bible, is someone like the author of this quote that I found this morning from someone who is one that can truly understand the jealousy and revenge of the human race and can speak about it but also knows forgiveness as well.

" Getting even has never healed a single person."
  eva Mozes Kor, Holocaust Savior

You can see more of her story at: The Forgiveness Project | Eva Kor

Jealousy. It can be very destructive. It can ruin people. Marriages. Ourselves if we are not careful to go beyond the kind that God has. There are other ways to handle it. Even as painful as those things can be. But if we want to stay in God's will, we must never let it take us over.

Up tomorrow: Jealousy. How can I overcome it as a Christian? Part 2

January 23,2019 Promise: My God will supply all of your needs, according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

Thanks for your visit today Friends! I am so thankful to God that you came. I pray for you a blessed day and that all your needs will be met in Christ Jesus today and every day! 

You and I can be thankful "whatever happens." Not thankful for "whatever" but thankful for countless other blessings in the midst of "whatever."

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sign of Jonah

Eastern Lightning | The Church of Almighty God |#Jesus #church #God #Christian #gospel #faith #salvation #JesusChrist #prophecy #sonofGod

The sign of Jonah. What was it?

The Scribes and Pharisees did not believe that Jesus was who he claimed to be. Even though they had just witnessed him healing a demon-possessed man who was not only blind but mute. And so they said to him, "Teacher, we want to see a sign from you."

I wonder what kind of sign they wanted to see. After all, they should have been amazed that the demon possed man had been healed. Did they just want to create doubt, in people? Or throw him off track? Maybe they were trying to make him look like a fool in front of other people?

Whatever it might have been, Jesus was not falling for their tricks. He said, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign! But none will be given except the sign of Jonah. For as Jonah was in the belly of a huge fish for three days and three nights so shall the Son of Man be for three days and nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Ninevah will stand up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it; for they repented at the preaching of Jonah and now something greater than Jonah is here."Mathew 12:38-41 And that was the parallel between the sign of Jonah and the sign of his own Ressurection.

Isn't it something? The people of Nineveh had repented at the preaching of Jonah. They had to have faith to believe. Whereas the Scribes and Pharisees who were the "elite" if you will, witnessed the miracles of Jesus and refused to believe he was the Messiah. And he was right there with them.

Even today there are Christians who want to be a part of a church that is all about signs. The signs are more important to some of them then even preaching the gospel. There will be signs and wonders in the latter days before Jesus returns and that will be wonderful. But when we put them ahead of salvation and Christ's death on the cross to the point of following them instead, him, that is sad. Jesus did miracles. He healed people. He turned water into wine. But in the end, when a group of people wanted to see more in order to 'believe' that was where he refused and called them wicked. We do not need proof of God. We need only to believe. That is what God calls us to do. Believe.

January 22, 2019 Promise: I cling to you, your strong right-hand holds me securely. Psalm 638

Thanks for coming by today Friends. I apologize for posting this later than usual. I pray you are having a blessed day. Take care.

AMEN! Click pix for your FREE PRAYABLES PRINTABLE of Bible verse, Blessings, Daily Affirmations, and Inspirational quotes.

Monday, January 21, 2019

A Big Fish Tale or A Sign of Jonah (part two)

We all have Jonah experiences but we all don't remember to pray while we're in the belly of the fish.Jonah's story did not stop after he was thrown into the sea by the crew of the ship that he was taking to Tarshish. Sometime after landing wherever he did underwater, a large fish came along and gobbled him up. What an ordeal that must have been for Jonah. And he remained there, three days before he cried out to God with the following prayer.

"In my distress, I called to the Lord. and he answered me. From deep in the realm of the dead,  I called for help and you listened to my cry. You hurled me into the depths, into the very heart of the seas. and the currents swirled around me. All your waves and breakers swept over me. I said, 'I have been banished from your site, yet again I will look toward your holy temple.' The engulfing waters threatened me, the deep surrounded me, seaweed wrapped around my head. To the roots of the mountains, I sank down, the earth beneath barred me in forever. But you Lord my God, brought my life up from the pit. When my life was ebbing away I remembered you Lord, and my prayer rose to you, to your holy temple. Those that cling to worthless idols, turn away from God's love from them. But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good, I will say 'Salvation comes from the Lord.'"
The classic story of Jonah and the whale Kids Bible Scripture: This Bible adventure begins with God calling the prophet Jonah to the wicked city of Nineveh. Jonah refuses, and runs from God. After boarding a ship bound for Tarshish, Jonah gets thrown overboard and swallowed up by a giant fish (some think it was a whale)! This Jonah and the whale lesson is an incredible Sunday school resource. Biblical and inspiring, your kids will love it!
And with that, the fish vomited Jonah out onto dry land. Jonah 2:1-10

What a ghastly sight Jonah must have been. Living in the fish's belly for 3 days and then suddenly getting vomited out of it.

God had then reminded Jonah of his mission. And this time, Jonah knew better than to run from God again. If God would have a fish swallow him, and if he had had to be in the fish's belly for those days-I can imagine what he must have thought. The next time he might not be so lucky.

Free Bible images: When Jonah runs away rather than go to Nineveh he is swallowed by a great fish. (Jonah 1 - 3)So off he went to Ninevah. But it was a large city and it took three days to go through it. Jonah called out to the people, "Only 40 days and Ninevah will be overthrown." The Ninevites believed him and a fast was proclaimed everyone, no matter who they were put on sackcloth. (Putting on sackcloth meant that people had repentant hearts and were turning away from their sin.)

The king had said to even cover their animals in sackcloth and they were to call on God in urgent prayer that he would have compassion on them and not bring on the destruction that he had promised. And because they had listened to and heeded God's warning that Jonah had been preaching about, God did not do as he had threatened.

Ok, so what does all this really have to do with 'The sign of Jonah" that Jesus made mention of in the New Testament?  Come back tomorrow if you want to find out.

January 21, 2019 Promise: I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, so shall I be saved from my enemies. Psalm 18:3

Thanks for spending time here this morning Friends. Have a blessed new week. 

New year Inspirational quotes jesus 2019 for friends, family, mom, dad, son, daughter, wife, husband, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, lover, boyfriend and girlfriend.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

A Big Fish Tale, or The Sign of Jonah (Part One)

 Those of us that have been to Sunday School as children have heard the story of Jonah and the whale. But did you know that because of that story in the Old Testament, Jesus referenced it in the New Testament as being a sign?

To understand more about it, let's go back to the beginning where Jonah disobeyed God and what the end result of it turned out to be.

The prophet Jonah had been told by God to go to Ninevah and warn the people there that because of their wickedness, he was going to destroy them. Jonah was not all too pleased about having to obey God, so he ran from it instead.

Maybe God would have let it go this time.? Was it really all that important to go?

To be sure as it turned out, it was that important. God was not going to let it go. His mercy for this ungodly city who wasted their time praying to pagan gods was too great. A whole city was in jeopardy of being destroyed. God did not want this and he was going to give them a chance to repent through the preaching of this man Jonah, who was not all that happy. And so instead, he headed for Tarshish by way of boat. But God was not going to let him off the proverbial "hook" that easily. In fact not at all. He was going to see it through to completion. Even if it meant Jonah was going to  go through some nasty situations.

Rosa Rubicondior: Silly Bible - The Fishy Tale Of Jonah

And so God sent a big storm over the sea and the crew of the ship was very much afraid. They all began to pray to their own gods to calm the storm, but their prayers went unanswered. Jonah had been asleep down below the deck of the boat and so they went to him and asked him who he was and why was he running away. He told them he was a Hebrew and that he worshiped God. They were terrified at this revelation. They asked him what they should do to make the sea calm down.

Jonah by then had come to the conclusion that God was not going to let him out of what he called him to do. He told them it was his fault that this storm had come onto them and so he said to throw him overboard. and the sea would calm down. They didn't want to do that and they tried rowing but the storm became even greater. Finally, they cried out to God to not punish them for killing an innocent man. Then they did as Jonah had instructed and threw him into the sea, and it grew calm again just as Jonah had said it would.

After they saw that the storm had stopped, they feared God, and made sacrifices and vows to him.

What was Jonah thinking in the meantime? That he would drown? That God would save him? Did he know ahead that he was about to become fish food? Had God revealed to Jonah what was going to happen? Was he afraid? The bible doesn't say. But that big fish did come along and it did swallow him.

Come back tomorrow for part 2

January 20, 2019 Promise: He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings, you will take refuge, Psalm 91:4

Today's sources: Jonah 1 NIV - Jonah Flees From the LORD - The word of - Bible Gateway    and       What can we learn from the life of Jonah?

Thanks for coming today Friends. Under God's wings in not only the safest but the very best place to be. Be blessed this Lord's Day!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

I Missed It: A"Pile of Miseries"

#Busyness messes with our connectedness with #God (and others).Back in the days that we were raising our four kids, life was a busy time as you can imagine. Both of us came from different backgrounds, my husband and I. I from a Christian home, he from a non-Christian home albeit they were good people. As I have looked back on it, I had been too young to get married and start a family of our own. That being said,  I wouldn't trade any of my kids. I love all four of them. However, I wish that I had been mature enough to handle all the things that I didn't exactly sign up for, but got them anyway, once I said, "I do."

Raising the kids during those years had not been easy. I hadn't had proper education, especially as a Christian, to know how to do it right. but then in those early years, I wasn't living like a Christian either. For about thirteen years it was that way while during that time my husband had a serious drinking problem. At that point though, I got serious with the Lord and he made a promise to me, that he was going to take away the drinking problem. True to his word, two years passed, and that is exactly what he did. And grateful as I was and still am for that, I didn't really become too much better at being a Christian mother to my kids.

I didn't know how. Because it wasn't modeled for me much when I was growing up. And I will add that, I didn't even know I should be. After fifteen years of living and just struggling to get from one day to the next, non-Christian patterns were set.

However, we did get into church and tried to teach our kids about God the best we could. But today and looking back, it hadn't been enough. Because at home, we weren't really modeling what a Christian home should be as much as we should have. And sadly, the way things were still effects my kids today.

Out of the four, just two of them acknowledge God and his work in their lives. Another one who as growing up had wanted to get into some kind of ministry has seemingly turned away from not only God but us as well. And the fourth doesn't have much to do with us either although he will talk to us at times.

I know where we went wrong, believe me. I can't speak for my husband, but I know myself what was wrong.

I missed it.

I had married too young. and had my kids too young. I had no experience in how to be a good Christian mom. There were better ways that I could have learned. But I didn't really get that until so many years later when it was really too late. Oh, I had done the best I could, at the time. It just wasn't enough.

Maybe in reading this, you think I am feeling sorry for myself today. I assure you that feeling sorry for myself is not the point of today's blog.

The point of today's blog is that while I had missed it all those years the kids were growing up, I now understand that I have been redeemed and God does not hold any of that against me because I have asked for his forgiveness. And I know he has a plan for my life and for the lives of my kids.

They are all adults and I have only a small amount of influence in the lives of the two, and none with the other two. But I know my God is a faithful God and I pray for him to restore what satan has stolen from us in our ignorance during those years.
The Lord is always near if you take the time to look for Him. He is with you. He is faithful.   + + + #seekHimfirst #search #Lord #God #faithful #faith #heart #near #bibleverse #biblequotes #bible #scripture #holybible #quotes #inspiring #dailydevotional #goodnews #inspirationalquotes #scripturequotes #christian #christianity #faithinChrist #forest #trees #path #nature #beauty

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be given to you. Mathew 6:33

If there is anything I seek after the most, it is that all four of my kids will love and serve God with all their hearts first and second that our whole family would be restored. The wounds that have been opened up by the neglect of our own sin, would be healed. But I can't do it alone. God must do it and I believe that he will. In his own time. In his own way.

I am not the only one in life that faces these kinds of things and I sure do know that. Many others do and a lot of them face even worse things then I have. Maybe some of you as readers of this blog have your own "pile of miseries" that you face each and every day. I empathize. But I also know that you can have the same hope that I do. Through Jesus Christ, if you will let him.

Therefore, my heart is glad and my glory rejoicest,; my flesh rests in hope. Psalm 16:9.

Life is busy and noisy. It takes being intentional with our priorities to be still and quiet, finding space to hear God's voice, and follow His guidance.What a promise! All is not lost. God understands my weaknesses from back in the day. And he has forgiven those years when I did not know better. I know now that I just need to give him the time and space to work things out because that is his doing, not mine. I have already messed up. I do not want to do any more damage by racing ahead of him even if I want things done now. Instead, I get to rest in him and know that "all things work together for the good of those that love God." Romans 8:28.

I encourage you. If you have messed things up in your life, turn to the One that can restore them. Because he will. In his time. I know this because well....he has done it in other areas of my life. Yes, he is still working on this one. But it will happen. And that is my hope in God.

January 19,2019 Promise: The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. Psalm 9:9

Thanks for dropping by today Friends. Have a blessed day!

Image result for Before you start your day, pray this over yourself and believe it.


Friday, January 18, 2019

God's Promises or Mine?

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.Have you ever said "I will....." whatever it might be and then didn't do it? Have you made promises that you haven't kept for one reason or another?

We all have. I know people that that is all they do. Promise. But never keep what they do promise. Why do they do that and then don't follow through?

Their intentions may be good. But then again, maybe not so much. Maybe they just say that to get someone off their back. Though there are times we can't keep our promises.

Maybe, maybe, maybe.

Life is full of the unexpected. Whether the unexpected are good things, or when they are...not so good.  Because Satan is always in there to try and trip us, sometimes things just go wrong. stop working and need to be replaced.

Sometimes, we can be going down some path in the walk of life, and stumble over a stone that Satan has thrown in the way. A very small stone can make us stumble. It can make us get off the path completely and sometimes we don't know how to get back on that path.

Walking through this life can be like walking down a dark street with a flashlight. But a flashlight can be undependable. The bulb can break if we drop it. Or the batteries can give out and need to be replaced. If that happens while we are out walking in the dark, it can be scary when we can't see where we are going.

People who are blind know that feeling of absolute darkness. They are in it all the time. Surrounded by it. What have they got to depend on? No flashlight is going to help them. However, science has given them tools whereby they can get through life without their sight.

There is one person that we can count on. Every second of every day, of every hour, month and year. For all of someone's life to those that are committed to him.

God. Yes, God, always keeps his promises. Perhaps not in our time. Perhaps not when we demand it. But in his time, in his way, and sometimes when we least expect it.

Those without him are like a blind person that cannot see.  And we all are until we see the need for him. And it is at that point that God hands us his flashlight,-his word so that we have the tools we need to use to get through this life as he intended all along.

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Psalms 119:105 KJV  God's Word is a lamp a light that illuminates the darkness. If a person walks through the woods at night he is well served to have a flashlight with him to shine it on the ground in front of him so that his feet do not trip over a snag in the path or his shins do not encounter a boulder or fallen log. That is what light does: It illuminates or reveals.  God's Word illuminates the path of our lives. If we keep God's... Isaiah 119:105 says, "Thy word is a lamp until my feet and a light unto my path." And without it, we are going to stumble through life over the stones that cross our paths, not knowing what to do or how to stay on it.

Sometimes in life, even with God's word, we don't know, but God will always be with us, to guide us as long as we use his word and our faith to stay where we should be. That is why its there. As our flashlight into the darkness, leading us safely through with his light But as a flashlight that needs to be turned on in order to be used, so do we need to open God's word, learn it and hide it in our hearts so that it can guide us through our darkest times.

January 18.2019 Promise: I will not forge my promises because I am  a merciful G0d

Thanks for coming by Friends. Have a blessed day!

Father, thank You for this life You’ve given me. Help me to live this new year for You, enjoying Your blessings and fulfilling Your purposes.  We can both enjoy God’s blessings and be a blessing to others.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Hating This Life or Loving It? Which Is It?

John 12:25Have you ever hated your life?  There are times that I have. Times when things were going a way that I did not want them to go and yet I had no control over changing them. Times when I found my self in situations that I let myself get into and felt there was no way out.

But did you know that Jesus tells us in John 12:25 Whoever loves his life will lose it. But whoever hates his life in this world, will keep it for eternal life.

What did Jesus mean by that?

 God created the world. He is the giver of life. He is the giver of all good things. All we have that is good in our life came from him.

From the moment a baby is birthed, it was a gift from God. That job we prayed for was a gift from God. The home we purchased was a blessing from him. As Christians, everything we have is from our Creator. Are we not to enjoy them? Are we not to love them?

Really? Are we to hate our lives?

No, I don't believe that is what Jesus meant at all. What he meant was that if our focus is on this life and not on our eternal life, then we will lose it because we aren't considering what is to come.

Psalm 14:1 Only fools say in their hearts, "There is no God"The fool says in his heart "There is no God."  They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. Psalm 14:1

Have you ever known someone personally that says that God doesn't exist? Maybe they have a reason for believing that. Maybe it is because they were abused as a kid or has had someone raped or murdered in their family. Maybe it is because of all the bad things that go on in the world. Why would a so-called loving God allow this if he indeed exists?

And so they take on the belief that since it does, he cannot be real.

I know someone personally that does not believe in God. He believes in himself. He is self-absorbed. All he can talk about when you are around him is himself. No one else's opinions or lives matter. If by chance you get on a subject about something else, he will quickly navigate the conversation back to himself.  He doesn't have very many friends and even his family doesn't like to be around him. And for good reason.

Sadly his focus is on himself and his own world. And not on where it should be which is his next lie when he leaves this earth.

Why did Jesus say it that way in John 12:25, that we must "hate" our lives here. I don't know. Maybe to get our attention and think about the seriousness of what he is saying.

Set your mind on things above. Collossians 3:2 #bibleverse #setyourmind #bible #colossians But I do know that God wants us to enjoy this life and what he has blessed us with. But he also wants to be in the very center of it so that we acknowledge him in everything we say and do. To love and serve him to the very best of our ability. He wants us to set our affections on things above, not on things of the earth. Colossians 3:2.  because let's face, the things on this earth will eventually pass away.  We will pass away. Where will we be then? We will be with Jesus in heaven or we will be in hell. One or the other. Believing that God does not exist does not make it so, and for those that do believe that, by then it will be too late. The choice is up to us.

January 17, 2019 Promise: Trust me in your times of trouble and I will rescue you and you will give me glory. Psalm 50.15

I am glad you came by today Friend. Stop back tomorrow. God bless!

16 LDS Quotes for When You're Waiting on Blessings to Come

Explaining James 1:5-6

The next two scriptures don't need an explanation for most of us that have been in church for awhile.   5  If any of you lack wisdom, le...