Man has been bent on having his own way from the beginning of time. Where did it all go wrong? Well, if we are to believe scripture, we know that it had started way back in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. Sin entered into the world and the rest is history. Right down to today. To this minute.
One of the evilest kind of devil-inspired gods was Moleck (Moloch) for whom innocent children were sacrificed to. See Leviticus 20:1-5
Yes, man has created for himself gods of many kinds. From Old Testament days to the New Testament Days. They did not stop with the coming of Jesus Christ.
Mercurius was named in Acts 14:12 and is said to have been a 'messager for the gods.' And Jupiter was named in this same verse as well, as he was the King god, ruler of heaven and all other gods. Ummm. Now, why do these gods remind me of something in space that we call 'planets'?
The Virginity goddess Diana is mentioned in Acts 19:24 where silvers shrines were made for her,
Twin brother gods Castor and Pollux who were sons of Zeus were protection for sailors are found in Acts 38:11.

And our gods haven't stopped being worshipped since. Even by people like you and me who worship money, and cars and homes. And other people.
God had said, "Thou shall have no other gods before me."
But that was in the Old Testament. Maybe he had changed his mind in the New Testament? Did Jesus have anything to say about gods and/or why people had them? Come back tomorrow to find the answer to those questions.
(Please note. In yesterdays blog, I had given you the wrong website with which I found the list of gods mentioned. The correct site is: How many Pagan/false gods does the Bible mention? Another site helpful in information about this subject can be found at: Gods and Goddesses, Pagan - Baker's Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology Online I apologize for the mistake and hope if you are interested in learning more about these gods, you will find these sites helpful. Thanks for your patience.)

January 15,2019 Promise: He who has begun a great work in you will complete it. Philippians 1:6
I have to add to my blog today that this verse is a real witness of God's grace. On January 15, 1985, God began a work in my family. That day ended a 15 year plus addiction to alcohol in my husband. Those years prior to that day were some of the hardest I had ever known. I know I have a long way to go still to see God's great work completed in me. But God made me a specific promise, and on that day, he kept it. Life has not always been easy since that time but it has not been the same either. God is so good and it is to you I encourage you to hope in him for whatever you need and may be going through because he is our only hope! Praise God!
May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
I am happy you spent time here today Friends. Have a blessed day and come back tomorrow for part six. Thanks for coming!

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