Monday, January 28, 2019

Overcoming Jea(lousy)

overcoming jealousy via burlap+blueKaren Wolff in her blog on 'ThoughtCo' says that Jealousy makes us feel lousy. She makes a good point because it sure is true. (You can find more of what she has to say about jealousy at Overcoming Jealousy - Causes and Cures )

Further, she goes on to say that it is caused by unmet expectations, our sense of entitlement and insecurities.

I think that many young people struggle with those things, but as adults, we sometimes do as well. Especially, those that have been divorced and are trying to just survive on their own, whether it be financially or just being alone. We get to be older and feel that we shouldn't be in 'this position'. After all, we have a few miles under our belts. How did we get to this place anyway? We deserve better. We deserve more.

So how do we get past feeling the way we do?

Here are a few suggestions, other than those that I gave in the past couple of days about this subject of jealousy.

Realize that jealousy can be very toxic. It can spill over in all parts of your life. It can interfere with other relationships if you are constantly spuing it out to any and everyone that will listen. And it might even get it started in someone else by default.

Figure out what might have got you there in the first place. Is it something you did or didn't do that opened you up for it. Like being jealous that someone has a nicer car then you have. They might have worked hard to get it. Were you that willing to work hard to get a car that nice? I don't mean to say we should take fault that does not belong to us, however. We need to answer for ourselves, what is the truth in our jealousy and what is not if that makes sense.

Understand that we all come from different walks of life. We all have different needs. My life is going to be different from yours. My background will have been different, at least in some ways Stop comparing your life with others. God has made you different in your own right. He doesn't expect us to be the same or have the same needs as each other.

Tone It Up Inspirational Fitness QuotesWhat are the good things about your life? Do you have children, parents or siblings, perhaps a mate that you love and adore? God has put certain people in your life for you to love and nurture. Focus on the aspects of life that you really enjoy. Develop a positive attitude towards life. My husband is that kind of person. He always wakes up with a smile. When our kids were growing up, he would tell them to smile at the breakfast table., even when they came to the table looking grumpy about having to be out of bed.  He still tells me that today, even though we don't even eat breakfast at the same time anymore. Starting off the day with that kind of attitude can set the prerequisite or the tone for the day.

We all have something amazing to share with the world and when we're too worried about our ego being hurt by putting ourselves out there, then we are taking away the positive impact we could have on others. Share your gifts, put yourself out there, take a chance! Someone needs you today!   #networkmarketingsuccess #workfromhomeFocus on the needs of someone else. Someone that needs you to just to listen to them, give them a hug or an encouraging word. An elderly person that may need you to do some grocery shopping for or to take a meal to. Maybe they need their grass mowed or snow shoveled. Visit someone in the hospital or nursing home. Perhaps there is a job in the church that you can volunteer for. There are all kinds of things that we can do that would benefit not only others but ourselves as well. By giving to someone else or some kind of cause, it can give us a whole new attitude for our own lives.

Please Pray for Israel and our Christian Earth and USA ( Proverbs 14:26 KJV ) “In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and HIS children shall have a Place of Refuge.”!! ( John 15:9-10 KJV ) “…These are just a few of the things that you and I can do to overcome being jealous. Come back tomorrow for a few more. Thanks for your visit! I pray you will have a blessed day today as always!

. January 28, 2019 Promise: In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge. Proverbs 14:26,

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