But did you know that Jesus tells us in John 12:25 Whoever loves his life will lose it. But whoever hates his life in this world, will keep it for eternal life.
What did Jesus mean by that?
God created the world. He is the giver of life. He is the giver of all good things. All we have that is good in our life came from him.
From the moment a baby is birthed, it was a gift from God. That job we prayed for was a gift from God. The home we purchased was a blessing from him. As Christians, everything we have is from our Creator. Are we not to enjoy them? Are we not to love them?
Really? Are we to hate our lives?
No, I don't believe that is what Jesus meant at all. What he meant was that if our focus is on this life and not on our eternal life, then we will lose it because we aren't considering what is to come.

Have you ever known someone personally that says that God doesn't exist? Maybe they have a reason for believing that. Maybe it is because they were abused as a kid or has had someone raped or murdered in their family. Maybe it is because of all the bad things that go on in the world. Why would a so-called loving God allow this if he indeed exists?
And so they take on the belief that since it does, he cannot be real.
I know someone personally that does not believe in God. He believes in himself. He is self-absorbed. All he can talk about when you are around him is himself. No one else's opinions or lives matter. If by chance you get on a subject about something else, he will quickly navigate the conversation back to himself. He doesn't have very many friends and even his family doesn't like to be around him. And for good reason.
Sadly his focus is on himself and his own world. And not on where it should be which is his next lie when he leaves this earth.
Why did Jesus say it that way in John 12:25, that we must "hate" our lives here. I don't know. Maybe to get our attention and think about the seriousness of what he is saying.

January 17, 2019 Promise: Trust me in your times of trouble and I will rescue you and you will give me glory. Psalm 50.15
I am glad you came by today Friend. Stop back tomorrow. God bless!

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