Friday, January 25, 2019

Overcoming Jealousy Step One (cont)

Deuteronomy chapter 4 with #Goodmorninggirls Bible reading plan. "For the Lord your God is a consuming fire a jealous God."- Deuteronomy 4:24. He loves with a passionate fierce and jealous love. He's ready to give you everything to fight for you... He sacrificed His only son for us! The children of Israel didn't realize how deep His love was for them. We are just the same. We flirt with other gods we question His Strength His power and His abilities . Despite all of this He stays loyal and devotJealousy is a natural emotion. In a natural realm, we can be jealous too. As we know from God's word, he is a jealous God. He wants us for himself and does not want us to be divided between him and the gods of this world.

Be careful that you do not forget the covenant of the Lord your God that he made with you. Do not make for yourselves an idol in anything that he has forbidden you. For the Lord, your God is an all-consuming fire, a jealous God. Deuteronomy 4:23-24.

 But...there is a difference...

Notice what that verse says about it being the all-consuming fire of our God. And it nowhere in the bible says that kind of jealousy is an all-consuming fire for us as the human race.

However, look at what it can and has done to the human race. An all-consuming fire within people that do not let it burn out. It is displayed all over the news every day. Only God is entitled to that kind of fire when he sees his children disobeying his laws.

 The wrong kind of jealousy is a symptom of looking at others and what they have instead of looking at ourselves and what God has given us. It can bring on feelings of being inadequate, and thoughts that nothing is ever going to change in our lives. It can make us sink down to the very depth of our souls,(in despair) feeling powerless to do anything about our situation.

It can bring on imaginations of "If only I had a beautiful home" or a "newer car" or a "husband like my friend or co-worker has."

We can spend all of our time dreaming and imagining the things that we want, that can be a waste of time if God is not ready to bless us with them yet which can then get us to the place of no return if we let it. And so we need to be careful to be ever aware of when we start to feel jealousy coming on and admit that it is. To ourselves, but also to God.

When there is something we want, instead of looking to what someone else has, we should request it from God who is the giver of all good things. He knows what we need before we even ask it, and he loves to bless us as well. But even more than that, he knows what is best for us and what is not.
God knows exactly what you need, who you need, how much you need and when you need it. Trust him. Amen.
Trusting in him to do the things when we ask him also means trusting in him to give them to us when he sees fit. Or not at all. What is best for you may not be what is best for me.

Reading and learning his word. Bible Study. Praying constantly for help when we need it. Attending church. Trusting God. All essential in learning how to overcome jealousy when it hits us.

But is there more? be continued  Sunday, I will be taking tomorrow off Friends, so hope you will be back for more on this subject that day. However, I will post a bible promise tomorrow for those that would come.

January 25, 2019 Promise:  The Lord gives his people strength, the Lord blesses his people with peace. Psalm 29:11.

Thanks for coming! God bless you and yours!

Friday Christmas Blessings Greetings

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