Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Overcoming Jeaolsy

Rely on you. Rely on your power to overcome any challenge. Don't allow the fear to kidnap you. Know that you are always supported and you will always be. Believe in yourself no matter what.  #selfconfidence #selflove #enjoylife (Image shared by Quotes & Thoughts)

In this blog this week, I have been talking about jealousy from both a biblical and a practical standpoint. Our attitudes in life are important, because not only do they affect us, but they affect the people around us. They can affect our jobs in that we may not do them as well as we should. And they can affect how we treat others.

There is one other aspect of it that I want to mention today. And that is thankfulness.

Being thankful for what we already have. And most importantly, being thankful to God, who is the giver of all good things.

Give thanks in all things, for this is God's will concerning you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18.

What? Give things in all things? Sometimes that is hard to do. But as Christians, we are called to do just that. When we are able to look away from our jealousy of other people having the things that we want and give him the thanks for all he has done and given us, it can open the flood gate of blessings that he wants to give us.

Jealousy is an emotion that is certainly used by the devil to lead us away from God. It was one of the reasons that he was cast out of heaven. He had been an angel created by God, But he got jealous of God and wanted to become god himself and be above the true God.(You can read more about his fall with scripture and teaching at:Did God Create the Devil? | Bible Study Guides | Amazing Facts)

He wanted something that he couldn't have. And sometimes we want things we can't have. But the good news is that God will bless us if we turn to him and ask for his forgiveness, and thank him for all he has done and what he will do for us yet. And then trust him by faith that he will do all he has promised us. 

And that my Friends is the well-known secret in his Word that we sometimes overlook when we become jealous over someone or something that we can't or even shouldn't have. Life is not easy nor is it fair, sometimes. But our hope in God is what we can count on to get us through to his blessing and provision.

So there are practical ways to handle jealousy as well as biblical ways to handle it. We just have to find them. And if you have those kinds of issues, I pray that you look for them. Because they will point you to a happier path of life, not to mention a more healthy way of living. 

Thanks for stopping by today Friends. Up tomorrow will be a new topic, so please come back. In the meantime, be blessed today and be sure to pass it forward, as they say!

Matthew 6:33, But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.January 29,2019 Promise: Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be given you. Mathew 6:33. (Wow, what a promise. I would much rather have what he has for me, more than anything that this life otherwise has to offer. How about you?)

Merry Christmas 'May you always have love in your life-may it always keep your heart warm :-) Have a wonderful day!

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