Many believe that any god they believe in will get them there. That all gods are the same. But why is this so? And what religion or church should I join that will get me there?
Sobering questions they are. And yet, if one does not seek the answers from the Bible, they will not get the right answer and the wrong ones will not get them to where they think they might be going. They can think they are going there. They can hope they will. But only knowing and accepting the truth will get them to heaven.
The Bible is just not a book of stories we tell our children in Sunday School. It was authorized and inspired by God to be written by the prophets of old and other men that came after them, so that down through the ages, we can be guided by God to live our lives to the fullest in this life, but more importantly to get us to that desired home where we will spend with Jesus when we die.
I read something recently on another website which is quite interesting but also the truth."Eternity is a long time when we are wrong." Author Chris Brady's Blog: Eternity is a Long Time to be Wrong
I would also add to that, that eternity is an awfully long time to be if we are in the wrong place. Because that is where many people past and present and future have ended or will end up.
People go about everyday living, often unconcerned with where they will end up. Many just don't believe the bible, some think hell is just one big party and joke about wanting to get there to be with their friends. For those that think the Bible is a book of fairy tales or just for weak people, their beliefs do not make them true. In fact, if they do believe that, they are emphatically wrong.
Some people are confused by religion because after all, there are so many of them 'out there' and so they don't try to figure out what is the truth. Others are born and raised into a church and just stick with whatever they were brought up with, believing it, whether it is true or not.
Keith Green was a talented singer/songwriter in his day until his life was cut short in a plane accident in 1982. In one of his songs he contemplates and asked these questions Where did I come from? Where am I going? It is something every person on this earth should be asking. Where did we come from? Where are we going? Because there are answers to these questions. We didn't evolve from a mud puddle, left to flounder like animals. We have a real purpose for being here and where we are going. But what are they?
And by the way, those questions still remain for some people. Are there many pathways to heaven? Or is there just one true way? Or is there any pathway at all? Is there just one God or many gods Is there any god at all?
What religion or church should I go to that will get me there?
I hope you know the correct answers to those questions. If you have been with me long, you will know what I believe. However, come back tomorrow and I will let you in on what people of this universe can know if they truly want the truth. Because it is not some far-out cosmic and mysterious thing to understand, that some try to make it out to be. It is there for you and me, to know the truth so that we will end up where we want to be.
January 11, 2019 Promise: The Lord himself will go before you. He will never leave or forsake you/ Do not be afraid or be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8
Blessing from God. May they fall abundantly on your and your family today and every day! Thanks for coming Friends!

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