Sunday, January 6, 2019

Epecting God's Blessing in 2019 Part Four What Has Giving Got To Do With It?

 Non-Christians and Christians alike do not like to hear sermons (or anything else) about "giving" in  or to the church. I read something just yesterday about Jerry Falwell  (a once well-known tv evangelist that has since passed on)  had once "begged" for donations to fix "high powered radio transmitter antennas" that had been taken out by lightning. This did not sit at all well with the writer of the comment that had been made to an entirely different post that had nothing to do with Jerry Falwell.

I am not writing to defend or not defend Jerry Falwell's said request for donations. I did not see it or even hear of it until I read this person's comment. But the fact is as I stated in my first sentence. Non-Christians and Christians alike do not like to hear sermons(or anything else) about "giving in or to the church."

Why? Because they think that they have to dig deep into their wallets or pockets to take money away from themselves when they shouldn't have to because of what? They think money just drops out of heaven to support the church? I guess because sadly I think that is what they think.

Churches do need money to run on. Just like you and me. To pay the electric bills so that we don't freeze in the winter. To supply bathrooms with water. To pay the pastor and perhaps other staff. To support missionaries that are spreading the gospel. Which is biblical, I will add.

I will open the windows of heaven for you.  I will pour out a blessing so great you won't have enough room to take it in.  Malachi 3:10The Bible says this in Malachi 3:10. Bring the full tithe into the storehouse. (church)

Well, there goes my weekly fun time entertainment. Really? It goes on to say this. "So that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test," says the Lord of hosts, "if I will not open up the windows of heaven for you and pour down a blessing for you until there is no more need."

I would say then that if God is opening up windows until there is no more need, that he is also covering our so coveted 'desire for entertainment' as well. (As long as it is not sinful and does not get in our way of putting God first that is.) Don't you? And yet, sometimes we do give begrudgingly, if at all. But God loves someone with what? Look at what 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 says:

Whosever gives sows (gives) sparingly will also reap (get) sparingly. And whosoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each one should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not out of regret or compulsion. For God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will a.bound in every good work.

The fact of the matter also remains, that all we have comes from the Lord anyway, because he owns it all. 1 Corinthians 10:26 Why do we go to sleep at night and think our home, our car, our food is all of our own doing? God has allowed us to have and share in what he created and has given us in our gifts to achieve. And yet sometimes we may get smug because of the new vehicle we just purchased that says to others, "Look at me and what I have." If it were not for the Lord, we would not have that new vehicle.

Phillipians 4:19 ALL MY NEEDS!

God wants us to give and then place our trust in him to supply all of our needs according to his riches in glory. Phillippians 4:19.

I get that there are churches and  tv preachers out there that would use their audiences to rake in millions of dollars from people that support their "ministries." And that is why we should be careful about where we go to worship and support. Mathew 10:16 says, "Be wise as serpents." And verse 17 says, "But beware of men." God wants us to be wise in choosing what church to belong to and what ministry to support because there are those out there that are frauds, using the gospel not to bring people to salvation, but to bring the people's money to themselves.

Tithing/Giving. Yes, it works. I can attest to it and I will confess that I have not been so faithful in giving in recent times but I do know that it works and I intend to get back to it for 2019 because I do  want to be obedient and I know it is important to help in keeping the gospel moving forward especially in these crazy times. And secondly, I want to be blessed and have my own house full.

   Tithing/Giving in obedience to God's word+blessing. Another way we can have it in 2019.

January 6, 2019 Promise: If any of you lack wisdom, you should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it shall be given you. James 1:5.

Thanks for spending time with me today. I pray you and your home will be blessed today and every day!

New year quotes religious 2019 for friends, family, wife, husband, son, sis, cousin, boss, colleague, aunt, uncle, grandpa, grandma mom, daughter, dad, bro.

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