To understand more about it, let's go back to the beginning where Jonah disobeyed God and what the end result of it turned out to be.
The prophet Jonah had been told by God to go to Ninevah and warn the people there that because of their wickedness, he was going to destroy them. Jonah was not all too pleased about having to obey God, so he ran from it instead.
Maybe God would have let it go this time.? Was it really all that important to go?
To be sure as it turned out, it was that important. God was not going to let it go. His mercy for this ungodly city who wasted their time praying to pagan gods was too great. A whole city was in jeopardy of being destroyed. God did not want this and he was going to give them a chance to repent through the preaching of this man Jonah, who was not all that happy. And so instead, he headed for Tarshish by way of boat. But God was not going to let him off the proverbial "hook" that easily. In fact not at all. He was going to see it through to completion. Even if it meant Jonah was going to go through some nasty situations.

And so God sent a big storm over the sea and the crew of the ship was very much afraid. They all began to pray to their own gods to calm the storm, but their prayers went unanswered. Jonah had been asleep down below the deck of the boat and so they went to him and asked him who he was and why was he running away. He told them he was a Hebrew and that he worshiped God. They were terrified at this revelation. They asked him what they should do to make the sea calm down.
Jonah by then had come to the conclusion that God was not going to let him out of what he called him to do. He told them it was his fault that this storm had come onto them and so he said to throw him overboard. and the sea would calm down. They didn't want to do that and they tried rowing but the storm became even greater. Finally, they cried out to God to not punish them for killing an innocent man. Then they did as Jonah had instructed and threw him into the sea, and it grew calm again just as Jonah had said it would.
After they saw that the storm had stopped, they feared God, and made sacrifices and vows to him.
What was Jonah thinking in the meantime? That he would drown? That God would save him? Did he know ahead that he was about to become fish food? Had God revealed to Jonah what was going to happen? Was he afraid? The bible doesn't say. But that big fish did come along and it did swallow him.
Come back tomorrow for part 2
January 20, 2019 Promise: He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings, you will take refuge, Psalm 91:4
Today's sources: Jonah 1 NIV - Jonah Flees From the LORD - The word of - Bible Gateway and What can we learn from the life of Jonah?
Thanks for coming today Friends. Under God's wings in not only the safest but the very best place to be. Be blessed this Lord's Day!

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