Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Does God Have a Sense of Humor?

I love this pictureHave you ever wondered if God smiles, laughs or has a sense of humor? I certainly think he does. He created all emotions and we know that he is sad when we are sad. Jesus wept so much that it caused him to sweat drops of blood the night before he was to be crucified as he prayed in the garden.

I cannot imagine that if Jesus could do that, he most certainly has smiled and laughed at times too.

Take for instance, when he created the world. When he got done, he saw that it was not only good, but it was very good. Genesis 1:31.

Likewise, when do something that we think is especially good, we tend to feel the same way. We smile and sometimes perhaps we even laugh. Because it is something we have done that has made us proud.

I don't profess to know everything about God. In fact, what I know about him would probably not even cover the top of a needle head. But I think that just as we sometimes laugh at the antics of a small child, or something funny that our pet does, he laughs right along with us. After all, he has created both the child and the pet. Why would he not laugh at some of the things they do. Or that we do.

We know that a good 'belly laugh' can reduce our stress. Years ago, we attended a small country church and one evening before the pastor's message, a lady from the congregation had given us a lesson about missionaries that were affiliated with our church that was overseas. The lady (I will call her Sandy) was basically telling us how blessed we are in this country when so many in other countries had so little. And she asked us to do a little experiment. She handed out paper and pencil and asked us to make a list of items we had that we could go without if we had to and beside it another list of things we truly needed. And so I listed a few things and then looked over at my husband's list.

Now, you have to understand the type of man that I am married to, to perhaps understand how he is. He has almost always been the kind of person that kind find humor in most anything. He gets up in the morning cheerful and he just wants people to be happy, so he tries to come up with jokes to tell us 'not so happy morning people' or not so happy 'any of the day' kind of people.

And let me also say, he is not a good speller. So instead of trying to spell his words out, he drew pictures., and what topped his list of things he didn't think he could do without was drawings of underwear and socks. What made it even funnier to me was that for a change, he was being completely serious!

Out of me came this huge belly laugh that I really had to quelch because after all, this was the church. This was a lesson on how blessed we are in comparison with some of the ways people in other countries live. Thankfully Sandy went right ahead ignoring me to present her lesson which had taken her time to get it prepared for us and I should not be interrupting. 

It was not a time for laughing. But that is exactly what I was trying hard (and not having much success with) to stop myself from doing. I should have gotten up and left until I could go back in until I could be calm again. But at the time, that didn't occur to me. However, I did explain why I was laughing and apologized to both Sandy and the pastor after the service was over that night.And I asked God for forgiveness for the interruption.

To this day, I can see his pictures in my mind and still chuckle about it. I am not sure what God thought of it. But later, in my own thoughts back at home when it was quiet, I knew that it had relieved me of a lot of stress that had gone on in our lives that whole year.

yongsung kim paintingGod has created us in his image. He created all things that are good. He created our emotions. Why would he not also laugh and smile at things we do? Oh, there are things that we laugh at that we shouldn't and I don't mean those kinds of things. We should not take part in any kind of sin that would drive us to laugh. But only of the things that are good. Like a baby's first smile, or when my little dog runs around in circles to get some energy out, or a clean joke someone tells. God does not expect us to sit around being sour all the time. He wants us to have good times and enjoy the life he has given us. And while he is doing that, he looks down with love on us and smiles at his creation.

January 30, 2019 Promise: I have heard your prayers, I have seen your tears. I will heal you. 2 Kings 20:5

I am blessed that you came by today Friends! Hope you will be back again tomorrow. Stay blessed!

Winter Wednesday Blessings wednesday wednesday quotes happy wednesday happy…

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