Saturday, January 12, 2019

One Way, One God Part Two

Jesus on the cross is the one way to God.There is a heaven. There is one path there. There is one God. He is the only true God.

Why then is there so many religions and which church will get me to heaven?

Jesus was not just a great teacher as some religions say. He was not just a prophet. He was and is 'The Son of God." And he is the only way we can get to heaven.

Jesus said it: I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, except through me. John 14:6

He does not say he is one of many ways. He is the way. There is no one else under heaven that can rightfully claim to be a god or a way to get to heaven. There is no one under heaven that we are to worship.

He was chosen by the Father, to be born, to grow up to teach others to go out and preach the gospel. He is the one that took the sins of the world on himself, died a cruel death, rose after 3 days, was seen by many people before he ascended to heaven to be with his Father where he is making intercession for you and me

Christianity in its purest form is not a religion but a relationship with God.It does not matter what "religion" we find ourselves in. It is not a religion that is going to save us. It is not a church that is going to save us. It is what the church teaches that does. If we go to a Bible-preaching church where the Word of God of the Bible unequivocally is taught, that is a pretty good chance that you are in the right church. As it is the shed blood of Jesus Christ that is the price for our way to heaven.

However, many churches teach God. But not all of them that Jesus is God and he came to die to save the sins of the world. Those churches are ones we need to steer clear of because they are teaching false doctrines. False doctrines are teachings or ideas that draw away from the truth. For instance, if a church denies that Jesus was born of the virgin birth, that is a false doctrine and one we need to get away from. Any church or religion that teaches that Jesus was just a teacher or a prophet and not the Son of God, or teaches that there are many ways to get to heaven or that there are other gods that can be worshipped, those are false doctrines. We need to run and not just walk away from them because they will lead only to one place. Hell.

The Bible clearly gives us confirmation of who Jesus was and is from His birth which was prophesied in Isaiah 7:14 to the book of Revelation. His name is mentioned 925 times in the New Testament and if we believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God as 2 Timothy 3:16  says, that does not allow for no other god (s) to be worshipped and on the same level as God. If his word is the truth, then Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and the only way to get to the Father is through him. And in fact, anything else would lead us away from the truth and into hell.

If you want to know if you are an Empath these questions will quickly help decide: Click on highlighted words to learn more. 1. Do you walk into busy places and find yourself overwhelmed with emoti…Who is your God? Who do you say Jesus is?  Your answer to those questions are important. Please come back tomorrow for part 3.

January 12,2015 Promise: These things I have spoken to you. That in me you will have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. John 16:33.

Thanks for coming by Friends. I apologize for the delay in posting this today. Hopefully, I will be back on track tomorrow. Have a blessed day!

Just Want Peace and Love to be the New Religion.................... - Google+


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