Friday, March 30, 2018

"Make Sure His Tomb is Secure" (part 7 of Holy Week)

soldiers at jesus tomb | Jesus Tomb

Mathew 27:62-65
The next day the Chief Priests and the Pharisees went to see Pilate. They said to him, "Sir when he was alive he told us that he would rise again after three days. Give the order that the tomb should be made secure until the third day. Otherwise, his disciples may come and steal the body and say that he has risen. That deception will be worse than the first."

Pilate answered, " Take a guard. Make the tomb as secure as you can by putting a seal on it and then posting a guard." And so they did.

And that was how they proposed that Jesus's body would remain there and not be taken by his friends so as to appear that he had risen as he had said he would. Little did they know that no tomb would hold him. Dead or alive.Guard or no guard. He would rise again and it would be just as predicted from the beginning of time

No doubt, the last week of Christ's earthy week was sobering and painful to be sure. He went through much agony both spiritually and physically. And now his disciples and friends had lost him to death. What would they do without him? They would.... find out. And then as today, we can be thankful for the fact that Easter now represents where Jesus is and not where he is not.

The message of Easter is not about where Jesus is... but where He is not.

Amen and Amen!

We are on the final lap of the journey Jesus took to save us from the sin that could keep us from the glorious hope we have in the next life. This life is not our final home. But we do have a choice to where we will end up. Jesus requires us to accept him. I pray that as you have been aware of Holy Week from any source this week, that you have or will accept him as your personal Savior. He is waiting for you. Blessings to all my friends. Thanks for coming by. 

Saturday Blessings



Good Friday (part 6 of Holy Week)

It is finished.

Mathew 27:1-60

Judas had sold Jesus out to the enemy. What real friend does that for someone that is totally innocent?  A friend for whom they can cash in on? And yet, this too had been ordained before the foundation of the earth.

Very early Friday morning, Jesus was arrested. And when Judas saw this, he was sorry for what he had done. He knew that Jesus was innocent. Those 30 pieces of silver meant nothing to him now. He threw the money into the temple and left. And he hung himself. Ummm. What a sad and sobering thought. How many people have done that since then for one reason or another? The bottom line being that without Jesus there is no hope.

Meanwhile, Jesus was taken to Pilate the governor. Pilate asked Jesus if he was king of the Jews. Jesus simply said to him, "You have said so." When the Chief Priests began to accuse him, Jesus offered up absolutely no answer to their charges. Pilate was amazed that he did not once defend himself.

Pilate asked the crowd that had gathered there, whom should he release as was his custom at the festival., to release one person from prison. The people opted for a well-known prisoner named Barabas. Those people that had just a few days before following Jesus, gave him up to be crucified. Pilate knew that Jesus was innocent and so he washed his hands in front of them, telling them they were the ones responsible

With that, he released Barabas and handed Jesus over to be flogged. 

Roman soldiers mocked him.  They stripped him and put a purple robe on him. They made a crown of thorns for his head. Put a staff in his hands. They spit on him and said, "Hail, king of the Jews!"
They whipped and beat him and then led him away to be crucified.

Once on the cross, they hung a sign over his head, that said, this is Jesus, king of the Jews. 

On either side of him hung 2 other prisoners. One recognized him for being who he said he was and asked Jesus for forgiveness. Jesus promised him he would be with him in paradise that day. 

People passing by Jesus cursed him. They shouted that if he was really the Son of God than save himself and come down.

From noon until 3:00 darkness fell over all the land. And then Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "My God, my God! Why have you forsaken me?" And with that, he gave up his spirit and died. 

From a distance, Mary (the mother of Jesus) and Mary Magdalene watched. Pilate gave the body of Jesus over to one of his followers, a man by the name of Arimathea, called Joseph. He took the body, wrapped it in clean linen and laid it in a tomb. He then rolled a stone in front of the entrance. 

No doubt satan laughed throughout this whole ordeal. Jesus was dead now. He (satan) had won. 

However, satan didn't know that:

With 3 nails and 2 pieces of wood, Jesus conquered sin and death!

Thank you so much for coming back today to share with me what Jesus gave up for us so long ago. Thank God that Good Friday was not the end of the story. Jesus did not let the world down. The good news came after his death. We now have forever to praise his Holy Name! May you have a blessed day!

May the Light of Our Lord Shine on You this Holy Week and always.  And May You have a Blessed Good Friday and Happy Easter. 2018


Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Last Supper (part 5 of Holy Week)

Mathew 26:17-47

Thursday was the first day of the Festival of the Unleavened Bread. Jesus told his disciples that they would be eating their Passover meal together. That evening while they were eating he told his disciples that one of them would betray him I am sure that had to have been a surprise to them. At least to everyone except Judas. But they kept wondering who was going to do this.

While they were eating Jesus took bread and gave thanks. Then he broke it and passed it around to them and said to,: "Take and eat. for this is my body."  The bread represented his body which was going to be broken for their sin. Then he took a cup and gave thanks and then said " Drink from it all of you. This is my blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for the forgiveness of sin."

Then Jesus told them that all of them would leave him. Peter told Jesus that he would not. But Jesus said to him, "This night before the rooster crows 3 times you will deny me." Peter and the others said if they had to die with him, they would not deny him. Little did they know or understand at that point what was going to happen.

A little later he and the disciples went to Gethsemane. He asked them to pray. And his own prayers became very intense as he contemplated his death, which was soon to take place. It was something that he did not cherish doing. But it was the Father's will and he knew it so, therefore, he knew it had to be done.

Meanwhile, his disciples kept falling asleep. And finally, he told them to wake up. His betrayer was coming.

Enter, Judas, the Chief Priests, and elders of the people. And they came with swords and clubs.As if they thought he would resist. Or perhaps the disciples would put up a fight. Judas had told the leaders that he would kiss the one that was Jesus so they would know who to arrest.

Judas greeted Jesus and then kissed him. They then stepped forward to seize Jesus. It was now near midnight. Jesus was taken to the house of the high priest. Tomorrow was not going to be a good experience for Jesus. He would be placed on trial, charged and given his sentence.

I wonder what the disciples must have thought at that point. The way it seems in scripture was that they did not fully understand what all this was about. Was Jesus, their friend really going to die? The man that had befriended them, called them into his ministry. He had eaten with them and taught them so many things.Were they somewhat if not completely confused by it all?

Whatever they must have thought or felt, life as they knew it would never be the same.

Easter Subway Art {Resurrection} PRINTABLE | My Computer is My Canvas

Friends, during Good Friday, Jesus goes on trial for his life. This week there have been programs on tv based on trials that have happened in recent years. For instance OJ Simpson and that of Casey Anthony who was accused of the murder of her little girl. If these people were guilty, why were they not held accountable? It just seems to be ironic to me that Jesus being innocent of all the charges they could bring on him had to be punished, and yet guilty people get off scot-free all the time. Or perhaps those not guilty, seem to end up paying for crimes they did not commit. Why is that? Things in our world are backward. No matter that Simpson and Casey got off though.Their judgment, whatever it is will come. Escaping from punishment was what they wanted but it is only temporary. I am so thankful, that Jesus did not run and hide. He allowed himself to die that the world could have life. Thank God, it is he that we follow and his ways are righteous!

Have a wonderful and blessed day. God loves you!

Have A Beautiful Thursday

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Judas is Paid 30 Pieces of Silver for Jesus (part 4 of Holy Week)

30 Pieces of silver

Mathew 26:6-16

 On Wednesday, Jesus had spent the day at Bethany at the home of Simon the Leper. A woman came to Jesus while he was there with an alabaster jar that had an expensive perfume in it. She then anointed Jesus with the perfume. Upon seeing this, his disciples asked Jesus why he would allow this woman to use the perfume like that because it was expensive.They felt that it could be sold and the money given to the poor. Jesus explained that she had done it to prepare his body for burial and that it was a wonderful thing that she had done.

Meanwhile, Judas went to the Chief Priests and asked them what they would be willing to give him to turn Jesus over to them. They gave him 30 pieces of silver and at that point, he began to watch for a time that he could do just that.

And so it was, Judas had sold his soul to the devil for that 30 pieces of silver. That was what Jesus was worth to his so-called friend.I wonder how many of us would do that if we had been there? I hope none of us. And yet, how many times in our lives have we sold Jesus out for the sin we can't let go of. Jesus gave his all to us and what have we given back to him?

It is important to note that the enemies of our Lord did not ultimately take his life. Yes, they did arrest him, and they did sentence him to death and they did put him on that cross. But he could have stopped the whole process if he had wanted to. Instead, he had been foreordained from the beginning of the world for that time of his life. He knew what was coming. And because he loved the world, he went to the cross for our sins. It was his choice in the end. Not the devils, not the leaders, not Judas, and not anyone else's. It was his alone because he loved us that much!

Quote of the Day:

Easter isn't just about one Sunday... it's about the journey Jesus took all the way to the cross.

Hello Friends. I hope as you have been reading about the last few days of the journey Jesus took on his way to the cross, that you will be ever thankful to him for his sacrifice for you. He paid a debt he did not owe for a debt you and I could not pay. Praise Him!

Have A Blessed Wednesday, God Loves You

Jesus Questioned by Religious Leaders (part 3 of Holy Week)

Jesus teaching in the temple.

                                                   Mathew 21:18-46

On Tuesday of Holy Week, Jesus returned to the Temple to teach. However, he was questioned by the religious leaders who wanted to know by what authority Jesus had, to do what he had done there the day before.

Jesus replied:" I will also ask you one thing, and if you tell me, I will tell you with what authority I do these things"Jesus then went on to ask them, "About the baptism of John, was it from heaven or men?"The leaders talked about this among themselves and could not come with a viable answer. And so Jesus said, " Neither then do I tell you what authority I do these things." However in verse 32, he stated that John had come to them in the way of righteousness, but they had not believed him.
Obviously, Jesus did not have to answer their question any further than that. But he did go on to teach several parables which can be found in Mathew 21: 28:44.

In the parable (verse 42-44) of the stone being rejected by the builders, it was clear to the leaders that he was speaking of them, in that he was going to take them out, as it were. They were not likely happy about this and wanted to get ahold of Jesus. But still, they could not because the people there looked to Jesus as a prophet and they would not allow him to be harmed.

As I think on the fact that the leaders did fear that the people would possibly come after them, it occurs to me how different most of those same people were going to feel in just a few short days. Jesus, their prophet was going to be rejected by so many of them. The devil's fight for Jesus's' life was going to go on among his own friends because he (the devil) thought that by killing him, he was going to completely destroy him. And today, that fight continues among people all over the world. We have rejected him and yet Praise God, Jesus was not defeated, nor will he ever be. Have you rejected him? If so, it is not too late for you to give satan the boot out of your life and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. If you haven't already, do it. Today. God is waiting for you!

Easter is a fun time of celebration,but it's not all candy and eggs, you know? It's not about the Bunny; it's about the Lamb.

Quote of the day from John 3:16

SVG, DXF, EPS Cut file, Im a Whosoever Easter svg, Easter cut file Christian cut file socuteappliques, silhouette cut file scrapbook file by SoCuteAppliques on Etsy

Thanks once again for your visit folks. Just in case any of you might be wondering where all the funny cartoons or jokes have gone from my blog, it is because Holy Week and the reason we celebrate it is too important to me to post those kinds of things this week. I am so in favor of Christians having fun and I don't want to eliminate that sort of content from my blog. But during this week I will not be adding it due to how serious this week is. Thank you for your continuing support of what I am trying to do with this site. You are so important to me as I try to bring you what I feel God is asking me to. With that being said, have another wonderful and blessed day!

Tuesday Blessings!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Jesus Clears the Temple (part 2 of Holy Week)

Driving out the money-changers
Luke 19:45-48

On Monday, following Palm Sunday, Jesus arrived at the Temple to teach. However, he found that people were buying and selling their goods there and he became very angry. Talk about righteous anger. He began to throw those people out of the temple. He said that they had made his house of prayer into a den of thieves.  At that point, he began to teach the people that had gathered there to hear him. The Chief Priests and other religious leaders did not like this at all and began to plot about how to get rid of him. But they were having problems with that because the people listening to Jesus really wanted to hear what he had to say.

Suffice to say, that from the time Jesus was born and all through the centuries, people have tried to do away with Jesus and his teachings. Whether it be people that don't believe in him at all or those that don't necessarily disbelieve but just refuse to accept him. They scoff at those of us that do, but sadly for them, it puts them in a very dangerous position as they will one day find out that they too will bow at the name of Jesus and call him Lord. Philippians 2:10. And at that point, it will be too late for those people. 

Whether they deny that he exists or just deny him does not matter. It does not make what they believe the truth. And in fact, they want to make the truth out to be a lie. Unfortunately, those beliefs will one day call for their very souls. 

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As with the Christmas Holidays every year, Easter has its own set of traditions that most of us follow. From dying eggs to filling baskets, to stories about the Easter Bunny, we can get caught up in those things that we forget the true meaning of the Easter Celebration. I would not even suggest that people should avoid those things because that is legalism and I was once in a church that not only did not participate in those kinds of things but also did not even recognize them for the religious or Christian part of them. However, we must remember first why we do celebrate these holidays. That without the birth, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus, we are without hope. He came to forgive us our sin and give us life. He did not come so that we could color eggs and deny or forget about him. So enjoy the holiday with your family. Hide those eggs that you have colored and watch as the kids excitedly find them. Watch as they dig into their baskets. Eat a wonderful meal with family and friends. But first and foremost, worship the God that sent his Son Jesus Christ to become a sacrifice by his blood for those of us that believe. Because without that, we would be lost.

                                                   Have a blessed Holy week Friends!

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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Hosanna, Blessed is He That Comes in the Name of the Lord! (Holy Week part one)

Triumphant entry into Jerusalem... Palm Sunday as is traditionally celebrated in the Christian Church. Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!

Mark 11:1-10

Today marks the beginning of Holy Week for Christians all over the world. It is not just some great bible story. Rather it is a reminder of the significance of the journey that Jesus took to the cross. 

As people gathered in the streets, Jesus rode the donkey through the crowds and they waved psalm branches shouting their praises to him. saying " Hosanna,Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord!" For he had come as their king. 

The fact that Jesus rode a donkey was prophesied in the Old Testament. Zech.9:9. And in those times, it was common for kings or other important people to ride a donkey in a procession especially if they came in peace because the donkey symbolized peace. And Jesus was the Prince of Peace. 

But even as the people were hailing Jesus as their king, he would weep for them because he knew that shortly these same people would soon betray him and because he knew that they needed a savior, his heart was heavy for them. 

And so as we are reminded of this day so many many years ago, let us not forget that we once rejected the message of Jesus Christ. but for those that have been saved, also remember what Jesus went through for your sin and mine. For those that have not accepted him,  his heart was heavy that day and it still is for those that have not  yet accepted him as their personal savior. Jesus endured great pain for you and if you were the only one left on earth, he would have still died just for you.

It is only with glorious wonder, and his great sacrifice that we can proclaim:
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

Quote of the day:"

This is what Easter is about, and how we even got the chance to live with him in his kingdom for eternity

Easter not about Easter bunny

Thanks for your visit Friends. I pray that as you are reminded today of the journey that Jesus took for us that led him to the cross, that you thank him for it because he loved us that much. Have a blessed Palm Sunday!
Sunrise in Pretty Place Chapel - South Carolina

Saturday, March 24, 2018

God Wishes For None to Perish!

Think about this

Did you ever wonder why God just keeps allowing this world to continue on with all the bad things that happen every day? After all, Jesus has promised that he is going to come back for his church and that after a time, all the evil in the world along with satan will be destroyed.  God could just snap his fingers and in an instant, we could be out of here to go on and live with him forever in heaven. So why doesn't he? Why make us continue to live on with death and disease all around us?

I know sometimes we tend to get impatient. Some of us seem to just have problem after problem to contend with and we can sure get weary of life in general. I have heard people state that "Jesus just needs to come and get me, NOW! And when he doesn't, they think about taking their own life.

He is not in a hurry. He is patient and he is waiting for us. He wants none to perish but all to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:3-4 

Jesus is not going to come to get us until it is time. We cannot demand that he come when we want him to. The time and the hour of his coming is not for us to know. For even he himself does not know but only God the Father knows when that will be. “But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son,[a] but the Father only.Mathew 24:36

We need to be looking for him to come because when he does, it will be quickly.
  For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.Mathew 24:37 And as in the days of Noah, there will be some that will be just as confused because they didn't believe in him and weren't looking for him. And sadly, it will be too late for them.

In the meantime, while we anxiously await him coming, we must live here and do our best to serve him in concordance with his word. Keeping the faith and not becoming so discouraged about the things in our lives that we face every day that we just want to take it upon ourselves to end it all. God knows our every need. Our every problem. And he will take care of us. And he is waiting for us!

11 of the Funniest Christian Memes This Week! | Project Inspired

Quote of the Day

As I’m in a season of waiting, this is conformation of what I should be doing, god is just so amazing ~ lesly

Thanks for your visit today folks. I appreciate you coming by. Have a wonderfully blessed day in Jesus Precious Name!

(MAY) May your leaves soak up joy and your blossoms turn toward the sun. #gratitude…

Friday, March 23, 2018

Why is God Letting These Things Happen?

Jesus is King

How profound! Jesus came as a baby in a lowly cave. When he was 12 years old he was preaching to the adult teachers that were in the temple. He grew up and eventually was hung on a cross to die for the sins of the world. The devil must have been laughing pretty hard that day. However, the laughing stopped when just 3 days later, Jesus rose from the grave. He victoriously conquered death. After spending some time with his beloved friends Jesus ascended to the Father, where he sits on the right hand of God until the hour comes that he will come back as a King to take his church back home.

So many of us have been led to believe that Jesus is God.. But if Jesus is truly God, and yet truly God's Son, where is he in today's world? In the midst of the tragedies that keep happening all around us. The above statement is worthless if it is not true. So is it?

From the beginning of time, there have been acts of violence and murder. Recently, a student opened fire on classmates at Stoneman Douglas High School, in Florida killing 17 and causing many more to now have to live through that horrible day again and again possibly for the rest of their lives. God forbid. Why would let this happen to those innocent people? Why did he not intervene and stop it from happening? Really? Is God that cruel?

My daughter is a substitute teacher at a  high school just a few short hours from where that happened on February 14th. Yesterday I got an email from her. The school had been locked down because a suspicious package had been found. It turned out it was a fake bomb. Made to look like one, but thank God just a fake.

What is with these students nowadays that they do these kinds of things? Bad home life, need for attention? Are they just bored? Do they get a thrill when they induce panic and see people running for their lives? Drugs? How about those that don't leave fake explosives, and instead carry guns into the schools to actually kill people? What is up with that? What sinister thoughts lurk in the minds of these kids or adults that have also murdered innocent people? And those that no doubt are plotting for the time to come when they will themselves do something to kill or maim or if nothing else just scare people and know with a wicked satisfaction that because of their deeds, they have perhaps ruined some lives for years to come.?

More importantly, where was Jesus our God who claims to love us? Why doesn't he show up during these times? Why doesn't he stop them beforehand?

I recall seeing an interview with  Dr. Billy Graham's daughter on THE EARLY SHOW  right after 911 happened. Jane Clayson asked her this question.  “I’ve heard people say, those who are religious, those who are not, if God is good, how could God let this happen? To that, you say?”

Without a second thought, Anne Graham answered that question with a statement that I will never forget. In part, this is what she said.

Lotz replied, “I say God is also angry when he sees something like this. I would say also for several years now Americans in a sense have shaken their fist at God and said, God, we want you out of our schools, our government, our business, we want you out of our marketplace. And God, who is a gentleman, has just quietly backed out of our national and political life, our public life. Removing his hand of blessing and protection. We need to turn to God first of all and say, God, we’re sorry we have treated you this way and we invite you now to come into our national life. We put our trust in you. We have our trust in God on our coins, we need to practice it.”


Indeed. We have allowed God to be taken out of so many aspects of our lives that is it no wonder that he would not show up to stop these tragedies from happening?  Christians as a collective body for too long have not stood up to proclaim the sin that prevails among us. Some of us have been living a namy-pamy Christian life. Wanting to have things free and easy. Not willing to go the distance that God requires of us. Is it no wonder the mess we find ourselves living in? God forbid!And God forgive!

Thank God though that we do have Jesus. God the Son who died for our sins and advocates for us to the Father.Those of us that have been silent for too long, can no longer be still. We must proclaim the good news. That not only do we want him but we need him. In our governments, in our schools, in our homes, and in our hearts.

And perhaps if we get serious, then God will show up in the tragedies of life.

Scripture for today:

In a surge of anger I hid my face from you for a moment, but with everlasting kindness, I will have compassion on you,” says the Lord your Redeemer.

Remember who wore the thorns

Thanks so much for coming by my Friends. It has been a privilege. May your blessings be many as you go about your day, or night-which it may be for you. Take care.

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Thursday, March 22, 2018

Dancing with the Devil

Dance with the Devil by Levente Toth, via Behance

I know a lady that in her late 60s, twice divorced, still very energetic and yes very much a Christian who I recently spoke with on the phone as she lives in another state. She had just left a relationship that had been very bad for her. Her intent to be with this man was a good one. She did help him through some very hard places in his life. But her attempts to get him to accept Christ were unsuccessful I think that her intents were misguided and possibly a bit if not more were also selfish as well

And no doubt in my mind, she was going about it in all the wrong way by living with him as a married couple without being married.

This lady, (I will call her Mary) does have a good heart. She loves to do things to help people and care for them. She goes to her local church where she is involved in the food pantry and other activities that she participates in. If she sees someone with a need, she does what she can to help that person.

But I also know that Mary is most likely very lonely and she did want to help this man, both spiritually and just in the business of life. And no doubt do I have that he was good to her in some ways. She had kept a home for him just as if they were married. But because Mary is lonely, she had struggled to give up their life together and separate her self from him. She would go back and forth, living with him, and living apart from him. For several years that has played out for both of them.

And yet, she was accepting of his verbal abuse to her, putting up with the ways he treated her just to have him in her life. Until what I hope now has been her final break from him.

The thought crossed my mind when she had told me how hard it was to make that break (because she misses doing things for him) that she had been dancing with the devil.

She had been accepting the unacceptable by living with a man that treated her with none to less of the respect that she should have received from someone that truly loves her. Someone that God would give to her. Basically accepting the truth for a lie to my own way of thinking.

And yet we have all done this at times in our lives. Dancing with the devil can start off very innocently. That first drink. That first tv program, that first kiss from someone that is not good for us. Because somehow they fill a need in us. And as those things are allowed to progress and develop in our lives, no matter what they might be, we accept and are caught up in them until the devil gets us right where he wants us. And apart from allowing Jesus Christ to take over, we are doomed to spending eternity with the devil in hell.

And at that point Friends, we won't be dancing anymore. With the devil or anyone. Satan does not care about us. He uses people, places and things to draw us in and then when he has us, he laughs at us and we don't even know it.

My question is, are you dancing with the devil?

The good news is that when we get caught in his trap, we can escape.

2 Timothy 2:26  
And that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.

But to do that we must acknowledge that Jesus is Lord, ask him to forgive us our sin and ask him to be our personal Saviour.

And that is our only hope as it then becomes a journey to live a life that  Jesus wants us to live and we can tell the devil, "No. You no longer have a dancing partner in me. I am now a Child of the King."

Thanks for your visit today friends. I pray that if you are struggling to get rid of the devils that trying to keep you from living your life to the fullest in Jesus Christ, that you will ask his forgiveness and help you become who he wants you to be. Until tomorrow, have a blessed and wonderful day!

Good Morning, Happy Thursday. I pray that you have a safe and blessed day!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Did You Forget?

don't forget to pray...

The following poem was sent to me by a friend  (Martha)whose mother(Betty) had passed some time ago. Martha found the poem while going through some of her mother' papers. Betty was a godly woman that loved God first and foremost and her love for him was found all through her belongings. I read it and had to copy it here because it is a beautiful reminder that we need to spend time every day with God.  I hope it will come to mean as much to you as it has us.

Did You Forget?

Did you speak to Him this morning
                As you rose in dawning light.
And give praise for restful slumber
                Through the dark and silent night;
Did you ask Him then to guide you
                Through the day, at shop or loom,
Or did daily cares ensnare you
                As you hastened from your room?

Did you lift your heart at midday
                As you paused to rest awhile;
Did you praise Him for the blessing
                Of His favor and His smile;
Did you bow your head a moment.
                Thanking for the food He gave,
Or, with mind engrossed with problems,
                Were you just a business slave?

And when evening shadows Lengthened,
                While you sat in easy chair,
Did your thoughts turn toward the Master
                Who will all your burdens bear?
Were you resting, calm and peaceful,
                Thankful for the tasks well-done,
Or did earthly cares still trouble
                At the going down of sun?

When the darkness came, and rest-time,
                Did you kneel in grateful prayer;
Did your voice ascent in praises
                As you gladly worshipped there?
Did you lie in peace and calmness
                After you His Word had read.
Or did restful sleep escape you,
                As you lay on un-blest bed?

And, if wakened in the watches
                Of the quiet, starlit night,
Did you seek to know the reason,
                And when sure that you were right,
Did you pray as He directed
                Till assurance plainly came,
Or did you permit the troubles
                Of the past to fret again?

Think – Did you forget the Saviour
                From the dawn til setting sun,
And did you permit the devil
                Just to keep you on the run?
Oh, if this is so, I beg you,
Never go another day
With the fears and cares and worries
                He would gladly take away.

B. Johnson


Thanks for visiting today folks. Please have a blessed day and be sure to bless someone else!

Winter Wednesday Blessings wednesday wednesday quotes happy wednesday happy…

Monday, March 19, 2018

Will You Be Ready or Surprised?

Jesus Coming will not be secret. It will be a Surprise to those unprepared! Are you ready?

In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 1 Corinthians 15:52

Will you be surprised in that day when Jesus comes back for us? Many people will know what is happening and many others will be quite confused at what is going on.  But it will no longer be a secret when it happens.People are going to know something expected or unexpected has happened. Christians will be taken up to be with God, and those left behind will wonder where their family members have gone because they themselves did not believe, and rather rejected the truth as if it were a lie. When all along the truth of the coming of Jesus Christ is not a lie at all. Will you be ready? Will you be one that will ascend to meet our Creator or will you remain on earth to be here for the surprise and confusion that will take over the world? It will happen. And just because people do not think it will or do not believe it, does not make it not true. God ordained it from the beginning of the world and if we want to be among those that go to meet Jesus in the air, we must confess our sin, ask God to forgive us our sin and ask Jesus to come into our hearts. The act of accepting Christ as our personal Saviour then seals the deal and we can look forward to our place in heaven with God. If you have not asked Jesus into your heart and life, do it right now. He loves you and he wants you to be with him someday. He does not want anyone to perish because they don't have faith or believe he is who he says he is. Hosea 4:6  He does not want you to be surprised and confused. He wants you to spend eternity with him. Do it today. In the end, you will never regret it. Jesus is waiting for you.

                                                             Thought for the day:

God is not a fairy godmother | Christian Funny Pictures - A time to laugh

What a glorious day that will be..

Be blessed and bless others. Thanks for coming by!

Tuesday Blessings!

Erase and Replace

Be Transformed By The Renewing of Your Mind Digital Download Print

As Christians, God wants us to be transformed. We become transformed by being in his word daily. Letting him replace the outdated junk that we have learned or even the things of the world that we still may be letting fill our mind, with the important things of life. His Word.

Most of you will remember when tape recorders were around? The kind that took cassette tapes.

Once at a bible study, the teacher likened our minds to a tape recorder which can play things over and over for us at our own will. On a tape recorder we hit play, and when we get to the end of the tape, we can hit rewind and play it over. Sometimes when something better comes along, we can hit erase and record something new.

The teacher had said our minds are like that. We can play in our minds the things we want to play. And they can be repeated over and over. If something comes along that we like better, we can erase that and record something over it. Sometimes those things we play in our minds are destructive and yet we continue to play them over and over.

They change from year to year as we grow from children into adults. We replace childish things with grownup things not only in our bodies but in our minds as well as the Apostle wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:11-When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

And usually what happens is that as we grew, more and more negative thoughts and ideas grow in our minds and we need to get to the point where we can see the need to replace them with good things. But doing that is sometimes not easy. And while not impossible to replace them without God doing it for us because -there are a lot of good people in the world that are not Christians-we cannot fully erase or let God erase the sinful natures that we have recorded in our tape deck.(minds)

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. Roman 12:2

 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.Ephesians 4:22-24

Because our minds are powerful organs, we have to be willing to erase our old and sometimes destructive ways of thinking and believing in and replacing them with God's word. 

 Folks, Unfortunately, there are all too many people unwilling and unbelieving that doing so is unnecessary. but by not doing so, can cost them everything they have. More importantly, their salvation. If you haven't already, or do not make it a priority every day, get into your bible. Let God's word saturate your entire being. Grow in it. Your life will never be the same. He is waiting for you

                                                                                                                                                              Cartoon of the day: Have you ever felt like this? I have. But thank God, no matter how long our journeys take, he gets us there.
Next rest area....

                                      What would you do if you received a text from God?

I hope you all had a blessed day yesterday, our Lord's Day. May your blessings continue as you bless others. Thanks for visiting with me today. 


Explaining James 1:5-6

The next two scriptures don't need an explanation for most of us that have been in church for awhile.   5  If any of you lack wisdom, le...