Mathew 27:62-65
The next day the Chief Priests and the Pharisees went to see Pilate. They said to him, "Sir when he was alive he told us that he would rise again after three days. Give the order that the tomb should be made secure until the third day. Otherwise, his disciples may come and steal the body and say that he has risen. That deception will be worse than the first."Pilate answered, " Take a guard. Make the tomb as secure as you can by putting a seal on it and then posting a guard." And so they did.
And that was how they proposed that Jesus's body would remain there and not be taken by his friends so as to appear that he had risen as he had said he would. Little did they know that no tomb would hold him. Dead or alive.Guard or no guard. He would rise again and it would be just as predicted from the beginning of time
No doubt, the last week of Christ's earthy week was sobering and painful to be sure. He went through much agony both spiritually and physically. And now his disciples and friends had lost him to death. What would they do without him? They would.... find out. And then as today, we can be thankful for the fact that Easter now represents where Jesus is and not where he is not.

Amen and Amen!
We are on the final lap of the journey Jesus took to save us from the sin that could keep us from the glorious hope we have in the next life. This life is not our final home. But we do have a choice to where we will end up. Jesus requires us to accept him. I pray that as you have been aware of Holy Week from any source this week, that you have or will accept him as your personal Savior. He is waiting for you. Blessings to all my friends. Thanks for coming by.